Please post here your term paper about MCS. You have to write a paper with 5 pages maximum. You can choose your own topic as far as related to chapters we have discussed in class. For example, you can write "Result control in BNI". If you choose this topic, your paper can be discuss the following (this is just example):
Result Control
A glance of BNI
Organizational Structure of BNI
Result Control in BNI
Result Control Recommendation
As usual, no one write the same case. Please post Title and Introduction here as comment. Once you post the title here as comment, no one can write the same case. The complete paper must be emailed to Should be collected here as comment befor MID TEST. Paper should be in English.
Good luck!
Management control is a critical function in organizations. Management control problems can lead to large losses and possibly even to organizational failure. Management involves managers taking steps to help ensure that the employees do what is best to organization. This is an important function because it is people in the organization who make happen. Management controls are necessary to guard againts the possibilities that people will do something the organization does not want them to do or fail to do something they should do.
Result control create meritocracies. In meritocracies the rewards are given to the most talented hardest working employees rather than those with the longest tenure or the right social connections. Result controls influence actions because they cause employees to be concerned about the consequences of the actions they take. Action controls are the most direct from of management control because they involve taking steps to ensure that employees act in the organizations best interest by making their actions themselves the focus of control. Personnel controls build on employee’s natural tendencies to control and or motivate themselves.
Yamaha corporation came into being on October 1, 1987 after its predecessor nippon Gakki Company limited changed its official name. The Yamaha Group aims to boost corporate value through implementing our corporate philosophy and pursuing corporate management that emphasizes corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to meet the expectations of stakeholders. Through business activities founded on sound and music, the Yamaha Group strives to achieve its corporate objective of “Creating ‘Kando’ Together”. ‘Kando’ (is a Japanese word that) signifies an inspired state of mind. Since our establishment in 1887, we have endeavored to provide quality products and services, earning the trust of customers while securing steadily rising profits. Continuing to fulfill our role as a member of society in this way has enabled us to earn and maintain the support of our many stakeholders. Accordingly, Yamaha’s basic management policy places a strong emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, expressing this commitment through a variety of activities and themes including product quality, customer satisfaction, procurement, environmental protection and public relations activities. The Yamaha Group’s CSR activities are distinguished by their emphasis on using core business activities to contribute to the development of musical culture around the world. Yamaha seeks to make the most of its strengths: technologies with a tradition spanning 120 years, as well as the latest in digital technology; refined creativity and artistry in the realms of sound and music; and an appreciation of the cultures and lifestyles of people the world over. By providing products and services that always satisfy and fulfill our customers’ love of music, we can contribute to the development of musical cultures and enrich.
President and Representative Director : Mitsuru Umemura
Director , Managing Executive Officer : Hiroo Okabe, Motoki Takahashi
Outside Director President and Representative Director : Takashi Kajikawa
Director, Executive Officer : Yasushi Yahata, Tsutomu Sasaki,
Masao Kondo, Yoshihiro Doi,
Takuya Nakata
Full-Time Auditor : Tokihisa Makino, Hisashi Yabe
Outside Auditor (Lawyer) : Kunio Miura
Outside Auditor : Yasuharu Terai, Haruo Kitamura
Executive Officer : Tatsumi Ohara, Masaaki Koshiba, Takashi Onoda, Masahito Kato,
Wataru Miki, Seiji Abe, Masahito Hosoi, Akira Iizuka, Hirofumi Osawa,
Masato Oike.
Action control in yamaha
The Board of Directors at Yamaha consists of nine directors, including one representative director and one outside director. The Board of Directors oversees the management function of the Yamaha Group, with directors appointed for a fixed period of one year to clarify management responsibilities. Yamaha also employs an executive officer system, comprised of 17 executive officers, including one senior managing executive officer and two managing executive officers, to support the Company president, the chief officer in charge of business execution. The executive officers who double as Company directors principally oversee the operational and administrative divisions. As part of this supervision, they manage and direct the divisions within the groups in an appropriate and proper manner and are responsible for the performance of the groups. In addition, an executive officer, distinct from the aforementioned, is assigned to each division within a group, each with responsibility for a key management theme.
The Yamaha Group considers customer satisfaction to be its top priority, and has put in place a Group-wide quality management system to ensure the production of quality products that meet the high expectations of our customers. Each business division is responsible for the quality of its own products and follows ISO 9001 international standards for quality management systems to meet the quality targets set by top management. The Quality & Engineering Planning Division audits the quality management systems and product quality of each division to ensure consistency with the quality level demanded of the Yamaha Group, making improvements as necessary.The Quality Committee made up of the quality assurance managers from each business division also convenes regularly to discuss Company-wide quality-related issues and share success stories. The Yamaha Group takes precautions during the design, development, and production stages to prevent any problems with products and ensure that customers are able to use them without worry. With regard to product safety, development and design divisions have tightened their design reviews while production divisions have introduced measures to strengthen FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) during production processes. If a problem is uncovered in a product already on the market, the head of the Quality & Engineering Planning Division convenes an Emergency Action Committee Meeting to provide related divisions and departments with instructions on necessary inspections and corrective measures such as product recalls and improvements in production to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future. Emergency Action Committee Meeting: A meeting attended by the heads of relevant business divisions and sales divisions, the heads of the Service, Legal, and Public Relations, and Quality & Engineering Planning other division whose assistance is deemed necessary. The committee also ensures a proper response and disclosure of information to customers, and notifies top management of the situation.
Result control for shareholders
Yamaha Corporation has adopted a basic policy for allocating profits that is linked to the level of consolidated net income in the medium term and provides for increasing the ratio of consolidated net income to shareholders’ equity by making additions to retained earnings that are appropriate for strengthening Yamaha’s management position through investments in R&D, sales capabilities, capital equipment and facilities, and other areas, while also placing emphasis on providing higher returns to shareholders that reflects consolidated performance. Specifically, Yamaha will endeavor to provide stable dividends and sets a goal of 40% on a consolidated basis for its dividend payout ratio.
People control in yamaha
Job-Tailored Training and Education We at Yamaha believe that creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the employee and the Company inspires motivation. The Company has therefore put in place a system to train and educate employees, as well as assist them in the development of their careers. Each training program is tailored to a specific objective in one of the following categories: Strategic Personnel Development, Function-Specific Training, Stratified Training, and Self-Development Education. In the Strategic Personnel Development program, the flagship Yamaha Management School aims to mold the personnel who will be the backbone of the Company in the future, and has expanded its scope to include participants from Group companies in Japan as well. In fiscal 2007, yamaha launched the Yamaha Global Institute (Senior Manager Program) for business leaders at Group companies overseas. Twenty-four participants selected from local companies around the world participated in the fourday program. At production facilities in Japan, yamaha took advantage of the Yamaha Advanced Skill School to provide a jumpstart in training for the next generation of key personnel. In the Function-Specific Training program, Yamaha offers courses in production and international awareness, as well as holding Network Academy courses and making other efforts to provide training in core technology. The Stratified Training program aims to develop and strengthen employees’ skills, offering training at career turning points, such as skill-building and basic courses for new managers. Yamaha began providing employees approaching the age of 50 opportunities and information to aid in considering their individual life paths, and in fiscal 2007 inaugurated “Life Design” seminars to support their future careers in addition to Stratified Training. For the Self-Development Education program, Yamaha provides support for employees’ voluntary studies, such as the Yamaha Business School (distance learning-based) and other programs. Yamaha have also put in place systems specifically for personal development, such as leave for long-term overseas study or career development.
Comunication is important to communicate about company’s problem with employees in each division in company. It is a key to achieve company’s objectives.The company cannot grow without growing people and performance targets require the right calibre of people to be in place at all levels. It is essential that continuous programmes and initiatives exist to assist all employees attain optimal performance levels. So, in yamaha company should be operate numerous programmes to keep people fulfilled and committed as well as various activities which make Yamaha a fun place for employees to work. Examples are divisional “Sharing and fun” events, Annual Conferences, Family Days and etc. These events and gatherings help to promote a winning spirit in all functions and divisions, and yamaha should be rewarding people in some key positions who has ability to create innovative and creative with yamaha products.
To have a high probability of success organizations must maintain good management control. Good control means that management can be reasonably confident that no major, unpleasant surprises will occurs. Management control is the back end of management process. Employees are sometimes unable or unwilling to act in the organization’s best interest, so managers must take step to guard againts the occurrence, and particularly the presistence. Form of management control are result control, action control, and people control. Each of them is related with prospect of company. Result control can often be effective and not effective. It is depend on every situation of company. Actions controls are most direct form of management control because they involve taking steps to ensure that employees act in organization’s best interest by making their actions themselves the focus of control.
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Merchant, Kenneth A and Wim A. Van Der Stede, 2003, Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, Prentice Hall.
Managament Control System in Indofood
Indofood is the one of big company in Indonesia. Indofood is very famous in the Instant Noodle, we know Indomie, Pop Mie and many things. Consumer Branded Products Group comprises of four divisions, namely Noodles, Food Seasonings, Snack Foods and Nutrition & Special Foods. In its operation, the Group is supported by the Food Ingredients, Packaging and International divisions.
The group produces high quality and innovative products, which are preferred by, and affordable to consumer across the archipelago. Indofood brands are among leaders in the marketplace, trusted by millions of consumer for high quality, good taste and great value.
Indofood have a four divisions, and every division have a department. In the structure of organization in Indofood are so many Director and Commissioner. Because they are responsible to their own department and division, with the purposes to fulfill the society necessities, to get the profit and have a good management to manage the product.
Therefore, management control system in Indofood is very important to managing all of employees in Indofood.
Result control is the control system which focus on result from an organization activities. Result Control related with rewards to someone can get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point in result control is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected or the result is very important. The ways to the result are ignored. In the result control has a 5 step to planning a result control. First, determine the right dimension to estimate a performance the organization. Second, determine how to measure dimension of organization performance. Third, establish the target. Fourth, monitoring. And the last is give reward and or punishment.
People Control is a strategy controlling that focus on to manage the people or each person and believe they can do it their work and can finishing their work. People control usually use if manager or other controller do not have a enough knowledge and skill about how the work must be do. People control use to encourage the organization that people can control themselves although other people behavior in the organization. In people control have a two approaches there are : self monitoring and mutual monitoring.
From simple beginnings as an instant noodle producer, Indofood has been progressively transformed to become a Total Food Solutions company with operations in all stages of food manufacturing from the production of raw materials and their processing through to consumer products on the retailer’s shelf. A leader within its industry in Indonesia, an extensive distribution system supports the position of the company’s products as household names in every part of the country.
The Company operates four complementary Strategic Business Groups (Group):
Consumer Branded Products (CBP), the producer of a range of packaged foods under a number of divisions including Noodles, Food Seasonings, Snack Foods and Nutrition & Special Foods. With the acquisition of PT Indolakto (Indolakto) during 2008, the Dairy Division becomes the latest addition to the group, providing a strong presence in this strongly growing market. CBP Group is supported by the Food Ingredients and Packaging Divisions.
Bogasari, primarily a producer of flour as well as pasta and biscuit. The group is supported by a shipping unit.
Agribusiness, principal activities range from research and development, oil palm seed breeding and cultivation as well as refining, branding and marketing of cooking oils, margarine and shortening. In addition, the group is also involve in the cultivation and processing of rubber, sugar cane, cocoa and tea..
Distribution, boasts the most extensive distribution network in Indonesia. It distributes the majority of the Company’s consumer products as well as third party products.
Indofood’s strongest legacy today is the strength of its brands, many of which have been companions to the people of Indonesia for years. These include a variety of brands of instant noodles (Indomie, Supermi and Sarimi), wheat flour (Segitiga Biru, Kunci Biru and Cakra Kembar), cooking oils (Bimoli), margarine (Simas Palmia). Despite intense competition, these brands remain the market leaders in their specific segments with a reputation for quality and value for money that remains unrivalled.
Board Director
1.Anthoni Salim - President Director and CEO since 2004
2.Fransiscus Welirang - Director (since 1995)
3.Tjhie Tje Fie (Thomas Tjhie) – Director (since 2004)
4.Darmawan Sarsito - Director (since 2004)
5.Taufik Wiraatmadja- Director (since 2004)
6.Peter Kradolfer - Director and Head Of Bogasari (since 2006)
7.Paulus Meleonoto- Director (since 2009)
8.Axton Salim - Director (since 2009)
9.Werianty Setiawan - Director and Division Head Investors ( since 2009)
Board Of Commissioner
1.Manuel V. Pangilinan - President Commissioner (since 1999)
2.Benny S. Santoso – Commissioner (since 2004)
3.Edward A. Tortorici – Commissioner (since 2001)
4.Ibrahim Risjad – Commissioner (since 1999)
5.Albert Del Rosario – Commissioner (since 2004)
6.Robert Charles Nicholson – Commissioner (since 2004)
7.Graham L. Pickles- Commissioner (since 2005)
8.Utomo Josodirjo – Independent Commissioner (Since 2004)
9.Torstein Stephansen – Independent Commissioner (since 2000)
10.Wahyudi Prakarsa – Independent Commissioner (since 2002)
People control in Indofood is very good, because all of the department have a Director, it is easier to control the people in company. So, the target of department can be accomplished if the staff and all employees in that department work with 100% their skill. So, about the result control in Indofood, Indofood is a big company, and all of society in Indonesia know Indofood. Of course, they are prefer chose Indofood than the other competitors.
Recommendation for result control are planning of result control muse be doing, so for result control, Indofood will launching their new product, the marketing and sales department for each division must work harder, because they must fulfill the target. And Reward and punishment for all employee is good to get a high target.
Recommendation for people control are the director give a motivation to the staffs and employees in order that they work with 100% their ability. So, Indofood must open recruitment to new employee, because, if many employee is easier get the target. But, before the new employee work, they are must be training. All of employee in the same division must to know each other, it can easier to communications. And a principle of “the right man on the right place” is very important for people control.
In Indofood, management control system is very important and very useful. Because Indofood have many employee and it can doing well if the management can cooperative. In this company result control and people control are related. Result will be good if the people or staff or employees are good also. If in the people control, the main point is how to manage the people for their work with 100% of their skill and the Director must give a spirit and motivation to the staff and employee and encourage also, and the director also believe that they can do in and successful. People control is the center for the company, because people control can complete the result control and action control, so people control is natural. The role of director or leader of company is very important to motivate the staff and employees. Therefore, in people control the leader of company must give a training for new employees, and in can be motivate the employees to be a good employees. The main point for result control is how the director set the department to fulfill the target and get a high profit. So, to get a good profit, give a reward for groups can doing perfect, it can give an effect to other department. For reached a purposed an organization, we can use a result control, although we also find pro & contra on using result control, but we exactly must capable maximize superiority and minimize, or eliminate deficiency. The conclusion is Indofood is important to used people control and result control to be a good company, and structure of the organization will easier to run the company.
2. Praptapa, Agung, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
LG Electronic Corp.
LG The symbol mark stands for our resolve to establish a lasting relationship with, and to achieve the highest satisfaction for our customers. The letters "L" and "G" in a circle symbolize the world, future, youth, humanity, and technology. Our philosophy is based on Humanity. Also, it represents LG's efforts to keep close relationships with our customers around the world. The symbol consists of two elements: the LG logo in LG Grey and the stylized image of a human face in the unique LG Red color. Red, the main color, represents our friendliness, and also gives a strong impression of LG's commitment to deliver the best. Therefore, the shape or the color of this symbol must never be changed. Our logo is the fundamental visual expression used to identify LG. It expresses the quality and sophistication that is the hallmark of our products. It is simple, modern and distinctive. Consistent and proper usage of the logo is absolutely essential. The logo is symbolic of our steadfast reputation for excellence; therefore, any variation of the logo diminishes the visual identity of LG Electronics and its products.
Result control is a control system also focus on result from all of the organization activities. Result Control related with rewards to someone can get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected.Is a result from any control system in all of corporations. It’s a tell how the company growth, company financial, worker, producing, selling and more. Or good result of the product from any corporation where the customer’s more sure to buy the product from their company.
Type : Public
Established 1958
Location : Seoul, South Korea
Key people Yong Nam, CEO
Industrial Mobile Communication, Digital Display, Digital Media
Employees 82,772 (29,948 in Korea / 52.824 in the world) - as of 2006
Parent LG Group
Slogan Life's Good
LG is a big one company in korea, Yong Nam is the Vice Chairman and CEO, in LG Electronics. they produce all of home appliance, LG always give their customer satisfaction with their product such as LCD monitors, commercial displays, car infotainment, mobile phone and security device. Global, Tomorrow, Energy, Humanity and Technology are the pillars that this corporation is founded on; with the capital letters L and G positioned inside a circle to center our ideals above all else, humanity. The symbol mark stands for our resolve to establish a lasting relationship with, and to achieve the highest satisfaction for our customers.
Yong Nam as Vice Chairman and CEO, LG Electronics
David Jung as CFO of LG Electronics(Executive Vice President) Director
Yu-Sig Kang as CEO of LG Corp.(Vice Chairman) Directo
Kim Sang Hee as Lawyer Outside Director
In Ki Joo as Professor of Yonsei University Outside Director
Kyu Min Lee as Advisor SK Research Outside Director
Sung-Won Hong as President of Jeollanamdo
Innovation Agency for Strategic Industry Outside Director
Audit Committee
To ensure complete independence from the company’s management and major shareholders, the Audit Committee is composed of three outside directors. The Committee's role is to examine various financial reports and enhance managerial transparency and fairness as supervisors. In addition, the committee members approve the appointment of outside auditors after careful review of the candidates' professionalism, independence, reputation, capability, ability to audit international businesses, as well as possibilities of conflict of interest associated with the Company.
In Ki Joo as Professor of Yonsei University Outside Director
Sung-Won Hong as President of Jeollanamdo Innovation Agency for Strategic Industry Outside Director.
Kim Sang Hee as Lawyer Outside Director
The LG Product is quickly becoming a leader in the World market for products such as : LCD monitors, commercial displays, car infotainment, mobile phone and security devices.It’s because LG have good management for all product, they can control all of activity of products start at Design the product-production-market strategy to spread out to world markets, this is a good business from LG,and LG can control the system of manufacturing product From producing until the sell point, almost dealers of LG avaibles In the world market it is the gain poin again from LG,where LG make a customers easy to known about their product and place for service center of all LG products, that’s a Live’s Good for the customers.
LG Electronics anticipates future business trends and provides innovative products, solutions and services to meet consumer satisfaction, and LG gives more valuable from their product’s, all of the product is warranty for 1 year, this is a good result of the LG product where the customer’s more sure to buy the LG product.
The LG's Must have an ability to create exceptional hardware lies in its thorough understanding of the intricate requests from its business customers. LG makes great hardware even better by matching it with exceptionally designed software. The end result is products that deliver incredible long-term value to retail and business customers.
LG's Business Solutions Company products include a wide range of LCD monitors, versatile commercial displays, car infotainment and telematics solutions, Mobiles phone advanced audio systems and digitally-enhanced security systems. LG will continue to invest in these business solutions and product areas, setting new standards in technology.
LG products can make your live is good after you have the product, The consume power from LG product is Low than other products, Easy to operate, more Live time and many feature to make you Lives good's. It's a key strategy from this company for attract the customers to BUY LG product. I’ am very proud to LG.
3.Agung Praptapa, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Management Control Systems (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies. Finally, MCS influences the behavior of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies.
It is the process by which managers influence other members of the organization to implement the organization’s strategies. Management control systems are tools to aid management for steering an organization toward its strategic objectives. Management controls are only one of the tools which managers use in implementing desired strategies. However strategies get implemented through management controls, organizational structure, human resources management and culture
Result Control
It is a control strategy that emphasizes on results of an activity. It is related to the giving reward for parties who could get expected results, and punishment for parties who are failed in getting expected results. It is suitable with result accountability concept, that the employees (include manager) have to be responsible for results got.
A Glance of Multi Edit Software, Inc (MESi)
Multi Edit Software, Inc. is an Arizona based Corporation founded by Chad W. Williams and L. Dan Hughes. Multi-Edit was originally created fifteen years ago by Todd Johnson when virtually the only other source editor was Brief. At that time ME provided the only tool that could be reconfigured "on-the fly," allowing each developer to easily manipulate the program for the way he or she works. Multi-Edit provided the flexibility that had been much needed, but lacking in the industry. That was then. Now, beyond the expertise and experience that Mr. Williams and Mr. Hughes bring to the company, they are instilling new ideals and directions for Multi-Edit. Some of these measures, are based on the same inspirations that first created the Editor, i.e. Flexibility and Customization. And in that vein, they continue to be committed to giving both the Programmer and Developer greater control over their working environment and resources. So they begin the foundational work for keeping that promise. Implementation of a new navigational theme for the website, new logo for the Editor, new Forums. Once again they wish Multi-Edit to be the Editor that was created by its users. They believe in the muscle that's contained in Multi-Edit. The Cog and Ctrl Key in the new ME logo symbolize the incredible machine like power which gives the user such pervasive control.
Organizational Structure of MESi
Chad W. Williams, Hughes
President/CEO, Multi Edit Software, Inc.
John Miller
Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing, Multi Edit Software, Inc.
Brenton E. Brown
COO, Multi Edit Software, Inc.
Gayle Urban
CFO, Multi Edit Software, Inc.
Robin Hoffman
Pubic Relation
Result Control in Multi Edit Software, Inc. (MESi)
Their goal is to produce an outstanding customer relationship with each and every one of our clients, being us! Their job is to greet, to help, and to value their clients. They will carry out this task as effectively and efficiently as humanly possible. By consequence they have accumulated an abundance of customer service and office management skills. They're designed to be client's first point of contact, always on the look-out for what is best for clients. And, it is an importance they'd like to briefly discuss that they know will make client's life easier and their experience with MESi much more satisfactory.
Result Control Recommendation
Multi Edit Software, Inc. have to implement the result control as well as possible so that they can give good serving for their client's. Finally, they continue to be committed to giving both the Programmer and Developer greater control over their working environment and resources.
It is better for Multi Edit Software, Inc. to implement good result control because it is the basic point in order to get expected results as they want. Beyond the expertise and experience that Mr. Williams and Mr. Hughes bring to the company, they are instilling new ideals and directions for Multi-Edit. Some of these measures, are based on the same inspirations that first created the Editor, i.e. Flexibility and Customization. And in that vein, they continue to be committed to giving both the Programmer and Developer greater control over their working environment and resources. So they begin the foundational work for keeping that promise. Implementation of a new navigational theme for the website, new logo for the Editor, new Forums. They wish Multi-Edit to be the Editor that was created by its users. They believe in the muscle that's contained in Multi-Edit. The Cog and Ctrl Key in the new ME logo symbolize the incredible machine like power which gives the user such pervasive control.
Praptapa, Agung, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TELKOM) is the largest full information and communications (InfoComm) service and network provider in Indonesia. TELKOM (here after referred to also as the Company) provide fixed wirelines, fixed wireless, cellular as well as data & Internet and network interconnection services, both directly and through its associate companies and subsidiaries. As of December 31, 2007, the number of TELKOM subscribers reached 63.0 million, consisting of 8.7 million fixed wireline and 6.4 million fixed wireless subscribers and 47.9 million cellular subscribers. TELKOM’s subscriber growth of 29.9% in 2007. As of December 31, 2008, the majority of our Common Stock 52.47% was owned by the Government. The remaining 47.53% was owned by the public. Our shares are traded on the IDX, the NYSE, the LSE and publicly offered without listing in Japan. Our shares are also traded in the Tokyo Stock Exchange without listing. Our share price on the IDX on December 31, 2008 was Rp.6,900. At the end of 2008, our market capitalization was Rp.139,104 billion or 12.92% of the total market capitalization of the IDX.
People control is a control approach that emphasizes the type or characteristics of people who work will help carry out their tasks to achieve organizational goals. So here is the approach used was to “choose the right people” or choosing the right people.
We should be able to choose the right person to help us get what we want. In the context of the company, of course, we must be clever choosing the right people who can help us achieve company goals. This approach is very effective if we (those who do control) Not understand correctly the expected results in an activity and Not understand how the results of work to get it.
Board of Commissioner
Presiden Commissioner : Tanri Abeng, MBA
Commissioner I : Bobby A.A.Nazief
Commissioner II : Mahmuddin Yasin
Independent Commissioner I : P.Sartono
Independent Commissioner II : Arif Arryman
To become a leading InfoCom player in the region
Telkom has strong will to become a leading Information and Communication Player in South-East Asia, Asia and to all over Asia Pacific.
1. To Provide One Stop InfoCom Services with Excellent Quality and Competitive Price
2. To Be the Role Model as the Best Managed Indonesian Corporation
TELKOM is subject to regulations administered and enforced by the Bapepam-LK and the SEC. We strive to comply with these. In addition, we implemented corporate governance policies and practices based on international market standards. TELKOM is aware of the importance of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) as a vital instrument to boost the business performance and accountability to stakeholders and to better serve our customers.
TELKOM, has fulfilled its obligation to assess its ICFR in compliance with the Sarbanes Oxley Act (“SOA”) Section 404. This requirement applies to U.S. Companies as well as foreign private issuers registered under the Exchange Act. TELKOM commitment to SOA compliance and GCG are reflected in several policies and pronouncements. These include: establishing a definite unit that handles SOA business processes under the Directorate of Compliance & Risk Management setting the duties and responsibilities of each function related to planning, execution and corporate internal control management; determining the appropriate level of corporate internal control management and achievement targets; requiring high-level officers to evaluate, plan and implement internal controls and take responsibility for actions in their areas of responsibility; arranging disclosure control policies and procedures; and documenting, reporting and providing written evaluation results on ICFR effectiveness and self assessment results on a quarterly basis.
TELKOM operates corporate internal controls in three stages: entity level, transactional level, and information technology based internal control. Each of these are exemplified by corporate culture, policy making related to GCG, establishment of special units related to GCG, development of internal control systems, socialization to all lines of working units by senior leaders, control examination, audit implementation, evaluation of audit process and audit results as well as improvement stages.
The control strategy consists of three essential elements of the result control, action control, and people control. These three elements are mutually supporting each other. So it would be nice if the company uses these three elements in its control.
In achieving the goals of a company, the most responsible thing is to control systems and control strategies. If the control strategy of an enterprise is better then the company can achieve the required success firms. Therefore, control strategies must be implemented with the best. Control strategy must be carried out effectively and efficiently.
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Esti Saraswati
International Accounting
Management Control System constitute a guarantee system that function of management should have been already run well.
Management control system offering 3 strategy, so that the control system can be worked well, there are :
1.Result Control
2.Action Control
3.People Control
With using the strategy of management control system, the company/organization capable to reached the missions/purposes of the company/organization.
Definition of Management Control System's strategy
1.Result Control
Result control is control strategy which emphasize the result at activity of organization, this case be related to giving reward for the parties which get the appropriate result with expectation, and giving punishment for the parties which doesn't successed get the right result. This following result accountability concept, which employees (included manager) must account for the result.
The 5 step planning of result control:
1.Determine “ What the right dimension for evaluate an organization activity ?”
2.Determine “ How to measure the dimension of an organization activity ?”
3.Determine the target
4.Monitoring activity of an organization
5.Giving reward & punishment
2.Action Control
Action Control is control strategy which emphasize at action aspect, action control used for get conviction that employees perform activity, which have a good consequences for an organization and doesn't perform activity which have a bad consequences for an organization. Action control is characteristic of preventive, it's mean to prevent doing the mistakes occurred.
Four type of action control:
1.Behavioral constraints
2.Preaction review
3.Action accountability
3.People Control
People control is control system which focus on choosing a type of person, for finishing the activity of an organization and the person's can be trusted.
People control have 2 approach, there are :
1.Personnel Control :
-Selection and job placement
-Act of planning job
2.Cultural Control :
-Codes of conduct
-Group based reward
-Intra organizational transfer
-Physical arrangement
-Tone at the top
A glance of “Kao Corporation”
Striving for the wholehearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of people globally through Yoki-Monozukuri implemented from the consumer/customer's perspective.
Since its founding, Kao has continued to conduct business according to its mission "Striving for the wholehearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of people globally" through Yoki-Monozukuri implemented from the consumer/customer's perspective, fully committed to this mission, all members of the kao group work together with passion to provide products & brands of excellent value created from the consumer/customer’s perspective, in so doing, we “share joy with the consumer/customer”. The corporate name, "Kao," originated with the name of the first product, Kao Sekken quality toilet soap. With the launch in 1890 of this new product was the dawn of the Japanese toiletries market.
The Kao Group develops consumer product business that targets general consumers. Kao Group business segments that cater to the consumer include: the Beauty Care Business in which we offer prestige cosmetics, and premium skin care and hair care products; the Human Health Care Business with products that include food and beverage products approved as Foods for Specific Health Uses (FOSHU), and feminine and baby care products; and the Fabric and Home Care Business, which includes laundry detergents and household cleaners. Also, in the Chemical Business we develop chemical products that meet the various needs of industry.
The chemical products business has grown to offer environmentally friendly chemical products with enhanced functionality and performance to industries all over the world. The following timeline of the Kao Group will take you from our beginnings to the Kao Group of today.
Company Name
Kao Corporation
14-10, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8210 Japan
June 1887
May 1940
Motoki Ozaki, President and CEO
Organizational Structure in Kao Corporation
Board of Directors
As of June 26, 2009
Motoki Ozaki Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Takuo Goto Representative Director, Senior Executive Vice President, Global Production & Engineering, Strategic Environment and Safety Management, Logistics
Hiroshi Kanda Representative Director, Executive Vice President, Global Consumer Products Business, Global Beauty Care Business Unit
Norihiko Takagi Executive Vice President, Global Business Development
Shunichi Nakagawa Executive Vice President, Global Legal & Compliance, Global Corporate Communications, Global Information Systems
Tatsuo Takahashi Executive Vice President, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kao Customer Marketing Co., Ltd.
Toshiharu Numata Executive Vice President, Global R&D, Product Quality Management
Toshihide Saito President, Global Chemical Business
Shinichi Mita Vice President, Global Accounting & Finance
Masato Hirota Vice President, Global Business Development
Shinichiro Hiramine Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Kao (China) Holding Co., Ltd.
Ken Hashimoto Vice President, Global Procurement
Michitaka Sawada Vice President, Global R&D (Human Health Care)
Atsushi Takahashi Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Osamu Shoda Honorary Chairman & Executive Adviser, Nisshin Seifun Group Inc.
* Holds the post of Executive Officer concurrently
** Outside Director
Corporate Auditors
Shoichi Otake Full-time Corporate Auditor
Takashi Matsuzaka Full-time Corporate Auditor
Tadashi Oe*** Corporate Auditor, Attorney at Law
Yutaka Yogo*** Corporate Auditor, Certified Public Accountant
*** Outside Corporate Auditor
Executive Officers
Yoshitaka Nakatani Vice President, Global Production & Engineering
(Beauty Care and Human Health Care SCM)
Hisao Mitsui Vice President, Global Production & Engineering
(Fabric & Home Care and Chemical SCM)
Shigeru Koshiba Vice President, Global Marketing Development, Global Research
Shoji Kobayashi Vice President, Global Chemical Business
Takuji Yasukawa President, Global Food & Beverage
Yasushi Aoki Vice President, Global Human Capital Development
Masumi Natsusaka Vice President, Global Beauty Care Business,
President, Global Prestige Cosmetics & Global Premium Skin Care
William J. Gentner President and Chief Executive Officer, Kao Brands Company
Katsuhiko Yoshida President, Global Human Health Care Business
Naohisa Kure Vice President, Global R&D (Beauty)
Mikio Nakano Representative Director, Senior Executive Vice President, Kao Customer Marketing Co., Ltd. (Prestige Cosmetics)
Akira Yoshimatsu Vice President, Global R&D
(Fabric & Home Care and Chemical)
Result Control in Kao Corporation
According to mission of kao is “Striving for the whole hearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of globally”. And the chemical product business has grown to offer environmentally friendly chemical products with enhanced functionally & performance to industries all over the world.
Later, on August 29, 2009, Kao Corporation have been launch “Attack Neo”, the world’s first*1 ultra-concentrated liquid detergent. Newly launched “Attack Neo” is the first product that enables users to experience the actual benefits of “eco together”,
Product Details
Product name: Attack Neo
Volume: 400g; 320g for refill
Recommended retail price: Open
Sales commencement date: August 29, 2009
Sales area: Nationwide throughout Japan
Product Features:
Kao proposes new laundering style--ecology starting with one rinse.
The benefit of Attack Neo is:
-a small amount provides superb cleaning performance.
-it is unnecessary to use an extra portion of detergent to ensure removal of stains.
-rinsing once with “Attack Neo” is as effective as rinsing twice with conventional detergent.
-“Attack Neo” can also save electricity consumption, as it shortens laundering time by approximately 10 minutes.
-by setting a washing machine to a rinse-once cycle, users can save water & electricity, thus reducing burden on the environment when laundering.
So, launched”Attack Neo” can be reached the purposed of an organization, because that makes environmentally friendly chemical products, and giving satisfaction & enrichment of the lives of people globally with the benefits of “Attack Neo”.
Result Control Recommendation
The company should use approach “ pay for performance not pay for position“ which has a good worked will get reward and which has a bad worked will get a punishment.
So, the approach can motivate employees to continuously improve & innovate our products, brands and business processes in order to stay one step ahead of changes in consumer lifestyles & the business environment. And the employees can create dynamic synergy by uniting the creativity & energy of every person and team to enhance the company.
-Result Control constitute practically method for manage somebody or part of organization, because the measurement is very easy, and the result is appropriate with expectation.
-Result control also giving opportunity for employees to be free improvise on their work method, because the important is the result.
-So the result control can stimulate an innovation .
For reached a purposed an organization, we can use a result control, although we also find pro & contra on using result control, but we exactly must capable maximize superiority and minimize, or eliminate deficiency. And three strategy in management control system is unity which is very related & important for advance the company.
-Praptapa, Agung, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Esti Saraswati
International Accounting
Management Control System constitute a guarantee system that function of management should have been already run well.
Management control system offering 3 strategy, so that the control system can be worked well, there are :
1.Result Control
2.Action Control
3.People Control
With using the strategy of management control system, the company/organization capable to reached the missions/purposes of the company/organization.
Definition of Management Control System's strategy
1.Result Control
Result control is control strategy which emphasize the result at activity of organization, this case be related to giving reward for the parties which get the appropriate result with expectation, and giving punishment for the parties which doesn't successed get the right result. This following result accountability concept, which employees (included manager) must account for the result.
The 5 step planning of result control:
1.Determine “ What the right dimension for evaluate an organization activity ?”
2.Determine “ How to measure the dimension of an organization activity ?”
3.Determine the target
4.Monitoring activity of an organization
5.Giving reward & punishment
2.Action Control
Action Control is control strategy which emphasize at action aspect, action control used for get conviction that employees perform activity, which have a good consequences for an organization and doesn't perform activity which have a bad consequences for an organization. Action control is characteristic of preventive, it's mean to prevent doing the mistakes occurred.
Four type of action control:
1.Behavioral constraints
2.Preaction review
3.Action accountability
3.People Control
People control is control system which focus on choosing a type of person, for finishing the activity of an organization and the person's can be trusted.
People control have 2 approach, there are :
1.Personnel Control :
-Selection and job placement
-Act of planning job
2.Cultural Control :
-Codes of conduct
-Group based reward
-Intra organizational transfer
-Physical arrangement
-Tone at the top
A glance of “Kao Corporation”
Striving for the wholehearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of people globally through Yoki-Monozukuri implemented from the consumer/customer's perspective.
Since its founding, Kao has continued to conduct business according to its mission "Striving for the wholehearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of people globally" through Yoki-Monozukuri implemented from the consumer/customer's perspective, fully committed to this mission, all members of the kao group work together with passion to provide products & brands of excellent value created from the consumer/customer’s perspective, in so doing, we “share joy with the consumer/customer”. The corporate name, "Kao," originated with the name of the first product, Kao Sekken quality toilet soap. With the launch in 1890 of this new product was the dawn of the Japanese toiletries market.
The Kao Group develops consumer product business that targets general consumers. Kao Group business segments that cater to the consumer include: the Beauty Care Business in which we offer prestige cosmetics, and premium skin care and hair care products; the Human Health Care Business with products that include food and beverage products approved as Foods for Specific Health Uses (FOSHU), and feminine and baby care products; and the Fabric and Home Care Business, which includes laundry detergents and household cleaners. Also, in the Chemical Business we develop chemical products that meet the various needs of industry.
The chemical products business has grown to offer environmentally friendly chemical products with enhanced functionality and performance to industries all over the world. The following timeline of the Kao Group will take you from our beginnings to the Kao Group of today.
Company Name
Kao Corporation
14-10, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8210 Japan
June 1887
May 1940
Motoki Ozaki, President and CEO
Organizational Structure in Kao Corporation
Board of Directors
As of June 26, 2009
Motoki Ozaki Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Takuo Goto Representative Director, Senior Executive Vice President, Global Production & Engineering, Strategic Environment and Safety Management, Logistics
Hiroshi Kanda Representative Director, Executive Vice President, Global Consumer Products Business, Global Beauty Care Business Unit
Norihiko Takagi Executive Vice President, Global Business Development
Shunichi Nakagawa Executive Vice President, Global Legal & Compliance, Global Corporate Communications, Global Information Systems
Tatsuo Takahashi Executive Vice President, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kao Customer Marketing Co., Ltd.
Toshiharu Numata Executive Vice President, Global R&D, Product Quality Management
Toshihide Saito President, Global Chemical Business
Shinichi Mita Vice President, Global Accounting & Finance
Masato Hirota Vice President, Global Business Development
Shinichiro Hiramine Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Kao (China) Holding Co., Ltd.
Ken Hashimoto Vice President, Global Procurement
Michitaka Sawada Vice President, Global R&D (Human Health Care)
Atsushi Takahashi Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Osamu Shoda Honorary Chairman & Executive Adviser, Nisshin Seifun Group Inc.
* Holds the post of Executive Officer concurrently
** Outside Director
Corporate Auditors
Shoichi Otake Full-time Corporate Auditor
Takashi Matsuzaka Full-time Corporate Auditor
Tadashi Oe*** Corporate Auditor, Attorney at Law
Yutaka Yogo*** Corporate Auditor, Certified Public Accountant
*** Outside Corporate Auditor
Executive Officers
Yoshitaka Nakatani Vice President, Global Production & Engineering
(Beauty Care and Human Health Care SCM)
Hisao Mitsui Vice President, Global Production & Engineering
(Fabric & Home Care and Chemical SCM)
Shigeru Koshiba Vice President, Global Marketing Development, Global Research
Shoji Kobayashi Vice President, Global Chemical Business
Takuji Yasukawa President, Global Food & Beverage
Yasushi Aoki Vice President, Global Human Capital Development
Masumi Natsusaka Vice President, Global Beauty Care Business,
President, Global Prestige Cosmetics & Global Premium Skin Care
William J. Gentner President and Chief Executive Officer, Kao Brands Company
Katsuhiko Yoshida President, Global Human Health Care Business
Naohisa Kure Vice President, Global R&D (Beauty)
Mikio Nakano Representative Director, Senior Executive Vice President, Kao Customer Marketing Co., Ltd. (Prestige Cosmetics)
Akira Yoshimatsu Vice President, Global R&D
(Fabric & Home Care and Chemical)
Result Control in Kao Corporation
According to mission of kao is “Striving for the whole hearted satisfaction and enrichment of the lives of globally”. And the chemical product business has grown to offer environmentally friendly chemical products with enhanced functionally & performance to industries all over the world.
Later, on August 29, 2009, Kao Corporation have been launch “Attack Neo”, the world’s first*1 ultra-concentrated liquid detergent. Newly launched “Attack Neo” is the first product that enables users to experience the actual benefits of “eco together”,
Product Details
Product name: Attack Neo
Volume: 400g; 320g for refill
Recommended retail price: Open
Sales commencement date: August 29, 2009
Sales area: Nationwide throughout Japan
Product Features:
Kao proposes new laundering style--ecology starting with one rinse.
The benefit of Attack Neo is:
-a small amount provides superb cleaning performance.
-it is unnecessary to use an extra portion of detergent to ensure removal of stains.
-rinsing once with “Attack Neo” is as effective as rinsing twice with conventional detergent.
-“Attack Neo” can also save electricity consumption, as it shortens laundering time by approximately 10 minutes.
-by setting a washing machine to a rinse-once cycle, users can save water & electricity, thus reducing burden on the environment when laundering.
So, launched”Attack Neo” can be reached the purposed of an organization, because that makes environmentally friendly chemical products, and giving satisfaction & enrichment of the lives of people globally with the benefits of “Attack Neo”.
Result Control Recommendation
The company should use approach “ pay for performance not pay for position“ which has a good worked will get reward and which has a bad worked will get a punishment.
So, the approach can motivate employees to continuously improve & innovate our products, brands and business processes in order to stay one step ahead of changes in consumer lifestyles & the business environment. And the employees can create dynamic synergy by uniting the creativity & energy of every person and team to enhance the company.
-Result Control constitute practically method for manage somebody or part of organization, because the measurement is very easy, and the result is appropriate with expectation.
-Result control also giving opportunity for employees to be free improvise on their work method, because the important is the result.
-So the result control can stimulate an innovation .
For reached a purposed an organization, we can use a result control, although we also find pro & contra on using result control, but we exactly must capable maximize superiority and minimize, or eliminate deficiency. And three strategy in management control system is unity which is very related & important for advance the company.
-Praptapa, Agung, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
A company in its operations, of course, requires a system in achieving the goal. One system contained in the company of which is control system. Here's what will be further reviewed is about management control systems within a company. Merchant (Praptapa, General: 2009) offers 3 strategies for the control system can work well through the action of control, result control and people control. Then there was the performance of control as one means of achieving goals.
Action control are control systems that put more emphasis on the ways elements of persons or organizations in carrying out a task to do, namely accountability action is every part must be accountable for its performance.
Bank Mandiri was formed on 2 October 1998, as part of the Government of Indonesia’s bank restructuring program. In July 1999, four state-owned banks–Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Exim and Bapindo–were amalgamated into Bank Mandiri. Each of our four legacy banks played an integral role in the development of the Indonesian economy. Today, Bank Mandiri continues this tradition of more than 140 years of delivering expertise in banking and financial services throughout Indonesia.
Immediately following the merger, Bank Mandiri embarked on a comprehensive process of consolidation. Most visibly, we closed 194 overlapping branches and reduced our combined workforce from 26,600 to 17,620. Our single brand was rolled out throughout our network and across all of our advertising and promotional activities. One of Bank Mandiri’s most significant achievements has been the complete replacement of our technology platform. We inherited a total of nine different core banking systems from our four legacy banks. After an initial investment to immediately consolidate our systems around the strongest inherited platform, we undertook a three-year, US$200 million, program to replace our core banking platform with one specifically geared toward consumer banking. Today, Bank Mandiri’s IT infrastructure provides straight-through processing and a unified interface for customers.
Our corporate customer base still represents the core of the Indonesia economy. By sector, it is well diversified and particularly active in food and beverage manufacturing, agriculture, construction, chemicals and textiles. Credit approvals and monitoring are subject to a highly structured ‘four eyes’ approval process, in which credit approval decisions are separated from the marketing activities of our business units.
From its founding, Bank Mandiri has worked to create a strong, professional management team operating under internationally recognized principles of corporate governance, control and compliance. The Bank is supervised by a Board of Commissioners appointed by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise from respected members of the financial community. The highest level of executive management is the Board of Directors, headed by a President Director. Our Board of Directors includes bankers drawn from the legacy banks as well as independent outside directors. In addition, Bank Mandiri maintains independent Offices of Compliances, Audit and the Corporate Secretary, and is under regular scrutiny from external auditors representing Bank Indonesia and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), as well as international auditing firms. AsiaMoney magazine had recognized our commitment toward GCG principles by awarding Corporate Governance Award for category Best Overall for Corporate Governance in Indonesia and Best for Disclosure and Transparency
With assets that have grown to more than Rp 319 trillion today, and more than 21 thousand employees spread among 956 domestic branch offices and 6 overseas branches and representatives Bank Mandiri has committed to delivering excellence in banking services and to provide wide-ranging financial solutions in investment and sharia’ products as well as bancassurance for our private and state-owned corporate, commercial, small business and micro customers in addition to our consumer clients. This commitment had been recognized through the top ranking in Banking Service Excellence Award 2007 of Infobank magazine.
Bank terpecaya pilihan anda. Being a leading retail bank in Indonesia that was built on a strong balance sheet, professional management and focus on the benefits to stakeholders and well known by the international banking circles as a solid bank.
• Oriented to market needs
• Developing human resources professionals
• Provide maximum benefit for the stakeholders
• Implement open management
• Concerned about the interests of society and the environment
Bank Mandiri organizational structure will consist of 60 divisions, 270 groups, and manages approximately 529 branches both within and outside the country. For that it ranks the executive council (board of executive), the original plan consisted of several directors, has expanded to consist of 1 chief, 1 director and compliance director, 12 Executive Vice President (EVP), and 7 Senior Vice President ( SVP) with the aim of the management structure of Bank Mandiri become stronger. Viewed from the type of organizational structure, Bank Mandiri is categorized as a combination of horizontal organizational structure / matrix as well as flat and has a strong platform to develop a strategic business unit in each line of division
Mandiri Cash Management System
System which enables company to monitor and execute banking transactions involving its account at Bank Mandiri’s Offices throughout Indonesia on a real-time basis through its own PC.
Benefits :
• Fully Control of own account transactions
• Reduce idle fund
• Optimize return
• Time and Cost efficient
• Geographical coverage
• Access to real time information
• Minimum investment
• Features
• Inquiry (Demand Deposit, Time Deposit and Loan Account)
• Print and download Bank Statement
• Overbooking
• Payment (Clearing, RTGS, SWIFT and TT)
• Other Informations (Forex Rate and Bank Rate)
• Import data payment (MT-103 format)
• Bill Payment (telco)
Security System
• Direct secure line connection to Mandiri’s system
• Unique company ID
• User level, user ID & password set up by client
• Using latest Encryption technology
• Registered token for test key generation
• Closed transfer (to registered Mandiri’s account)
3 user level: operator, supervisor and/or approval
Cash Management Control
When business environment became more complex and dynamic, new opportunities and challenges are prepared for entrepreneurs like you. The right solutions are needed to control and manage your business cash flow effectively. You will have an ability to manage your business cash flow, with effective cash management The effective cash management will :
Make your cash inflows come faster, furthermore it can be used for your business decision-making i.e. investment, daily operation, or the repayment of your liabilities
Control your cash outflows, in such a way that all business expenses become more manageable
Support you to access information about your use of funds timely and accurately for many management purposes, especially if you invest your funds in many businesses.
Bank Mandiri offers you CMS-Mandiri (Cash Management System Mandiri) as an effective solution to handle your cash management. Easily accessed information of your funds, will get you in the CMS- Mandiri. Many electronics transactions can be settled by CMS-Mandiri easily, direct from your site supported by electronic banking system network of Bank Mandiri.CMS-Mandiri can help you in case of :
Electronic overbooking and fund transfer to your relations accounts (including payroll, cash pooling, utility payment / service payment, supplier payment, etc)
Monitoring and controlling your company account activity and ending balance
Getting various informative reporting (like statement and reconcile statement).
Bank Mandiri has a staff of 13,997 people with a composition of 35.54% or 4975 persons consisting of personnel management (division head officer, group head, officer) and the rest of 64.46% or 9022 persons consisting of executive staff and non executive. Human resources Bank Mandiri will be managed by the Human Resources Division is responsible for developing policy integrated in the field of recruitment, training and development, management organization and career, returns services (Compensation and benefits), the relationship employee and industrial, and human resources information systems. Recruitment process Bank Mandiri employees especially at middle management level (division head and the group head) conducted openly and objectively with involves the Hay Management consultants to obtain independent employees who truly professional and have high competence. Career path in Bank Mandiri will be more specialist and refer
the merit-based system and not on seniority.
Operations management Bank Mandiri will refer to international best practice, especially in the field of risk management, customer service (customer focus), controlling and internal audit, and human resource management (merit-based system). Operations management associated with the service to customers such as branch, retail banking, corporate banking, and business development, will try to utilizing knowledge and optimize customer service to customer. To do that, then in each branch / division of Bank Independent there is a special function that provides services to separate customer and other functions such as product development, controlling, and other back office activities. At the branch / division Internal audit operations management Bank Mandiri will implement an internal audit operations management currently BDN has obtained Certificate of ISO 9002.3) Management of Bank Mandiri branch operation is planned to use operations management Branch Re-engineering Process (BPR) currently BankExim been applied in several branches since 1997.
Do restructuring in a timely manner to produce the balance solid. Knowledge about depth of business to be entered. Deep Indonesian banking industry, which refers to excellence in the field customer loyalty, a large office network, government guarantees, and strong market position as in trade finance services, to create product differentiation and quality maids in the business segment retail, medium, and corporations. Banking. Do management best practices. Can also be a way to develop some other Atara system is a system unit of measurement of business performance in an objective, optimizing the allocation resources refers to the market risk / reward analysis, develop a market position in business segment profitable, and develop new markets through innovation products. Emphasis to the aspect of efficiency and compliance with regulations and government policies became the main feature of the application best practice.
The company can said success or not can see from the size of the growing company. The size of the growing company would need better management. In this case, management of the company's control system is needed in a corporate organization that large-scale business. The success of the company and not only seen from the size of the company, but also the efficiency and effectiveness of how to manage the company. This is done by evaluating the performance in each area or section.
A company flourished because not independent of management control strategies are implemented. Management control strategies should be implemented completely adjusted to the condition of the company itself. If the company has achieved its intended purpose then the company is said to be successful.
Praptapa, Agung, 2009, The Art Of Controlling People, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Result Control is a control system that focuses on the results of an activity. Is a control strategy that emphasizes the results of an activity. This is related to reward (prize) to the parties that get results as expected, and provides penalties for those who fail to get the expected results.
Approach control result is often applied in an organization that uses the concept of Management By Objective (MBO). In MBO, superiors and subordinates in an organization jointly identify tuhuan together, then the responsibilities and outcomes to be achieved is specified for each employee, who then use these measures as a basis for running the organizational unit and to measure the contribution of each member organization.
There are five stages to go through in designing the result control:
$ Stipulate any dimension appropriate to assess the performance of an organizational unit.
$ Define how to measure the dimensions of performance.
$ Define the target.
$ Monitoring the performance obtained.
$ Provide rewards and punishment.
Company Background
Milestone Wings group began in 1948 in Surabaya, when Ferdinand and Harjo Sutanto Katuari Fa founded Wings and dab of soap to produce industrial-scale home. At that time the sale is made door to door system. In 1950 Wings soap began to be marketed.
Since 1971, the company began to develop themselves by building some soap and detergent companies. One is cream with a brand detergent Economics. In 1980, the brand detergent cream with Blue Wings and Dangdut released to the market.
Wings does not stop here. Together with a number of investors (including the Salim Group), founded Wings PT Unggul Indah Cahaya, the only producer of alkybenzene, the basic raw material detergent products, in Indonesia.
Year 1983 Wings establish PT Multipack who have factories in Jakarta, the company that produces plastic packaging containers and packaging sachet. While in Surabaya factory produces packaging in the form of corrugated packaging boxes card.
Wings realize the importance to control the upstream industry. Therefore these companies invested back in the upstream business through PT Petrocentral in 1986, one of the providers of raw materials needed by the Wings.
In 1989, Wings became interested in ceramics business. That's why, through PT Adyabuana Persada, Wings brand out ceramics with Milan and Hercules. In addition, the Wings also founded the Bank Economic serving the corporate sector. Bank works to provide credit for distributors and agents Wings group. In this year also, Wings berpatungan with Lion Corporation founded PT Lionindo Jaya
In 1990, Wings re-market the brand detergent bars and detergents Extra brand Active So Klin. In 1991, Fa Wings renamed PT Wings Surya.
In 1995, Wings bought plantation land Famous PT Damit Mitra and PT Makmur Kalimantan Gawi. Results from these plantations of palm oil used as the later can be used as industrial raw materials Oleochemical. In this year also, Wings berpatungan with Siam Cement business into the gypsum and cement fiber through PT Siam-Indo Gypsum Industry. Developed brand is Elephant.
Because there are crisis events in Indonesia which resulted in price rises detergents, Wings to the smooth running of a successful marketing Daia in the market. In 1998, the Wings also acquired Raffles Hill housing projects of the owner of PT Gunung Subur Sentosa. Project 145 hectare area is equipped with a country club, with full sports facilities and spa.
With the addition does not mean deadly Daia detergent products other Wings, So Klin. Wings also issued Softerner So and So Klin Klin Pewangi to support this detergent products. In 2000, Wings Ecogreen Oleochemical buy stocks through a consortium with majority ownership of 47.7%. Oleochemical an industrial raw material body care, soap and detergents, food, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and various other indutri. In 2001, the Wings set up securities companies, EkoKapital Securities equty offering brokerage services, financial advisory, and fixed income trading service.
Wings back in 2002 extended the property to build a Pulogadung Trade Center with Djarum. In this year also, Wings re-established packaging company, PT Unipack that focusing on flexible packaging for personal care products and foods.
In 2003, Wings challenging Indofood through instantnya noodle products, Mie Sedaap quite successful in the market.
Until now has been a huge Wings toiletries business is respected and feared. Even the Wings are expected to continue to grow and spread its wings. Wings currently has 200 products available in various sizes, packages, and fragrances.
Corporate Strategy
General strategy can be described as a business or certain ways that do to achieve a particular goal. Strategies can be applied both at the corporate or business unit level, Robert N. Anthony and Govindarajan split-level corporate strategy based on the identification of the work at the industry by dividing the company and business unit strategy based on its ability to produce returns for the company.
Before formulating a strategy will need to be a good analysis of internal and external environment company. Company's internal environment can be analyzed through the use of technology, production activities, marketing efforts, distribution of goods and logistics activities of the company. External environment can be analyzed by a competitor, customer, supplier or suppliers, socio-economic conditions and political environment moving company.
External Environment Suppliers Customers Competitors.
Leading company, like Unilever & P & G
Medium community
Wings have a special subsidiary to supply raw materials for businesses that require chemicals.
Environmental analysis of the Wings Group can be seen in the following table:
Internal Environment Technology Marketing Production Distribution
Using the latest technology to support R & D and production R & D intensive and provocative advertising market to capture a distribution point as short as possible, reach out to remote villages Toiletries, household cleaning, food and beverages
The strategy applied to corporatenya Wings Group is unrelated Diversification, although its main industries are business and personal care toiletries, but the Wings also extended to the field of Agro-business, is to open palm oil plantations in South Kalimantan which provides raw materials for most of the basic chemical industry. Banks and Financial Institutions, Bank Ekonomi had Wings embracing small-scale traders and medium. Real Estate and Building Materials. Wings work with Djarum Group to build Pulo Gadung Trade Center and took over an abandoned real estate such as the Raffles in Peak Hill, Cibubur, Surabaya and Cilegon. While building materials are produced by Wings Milan Ceramics, gypsum and gypsum plaster.
While the strategy is applied to each different business unit, while in essence still refer to the company's mission, to produce special quality products at low cost. Sedaap noodles sold at low cost, USD 625-USD 750 / pack, but offers a special quality, and supported by a provocative ad campaigns, Mie Sedaap sell in the market. Due to the large demand for Mie Sedaap, Wings had overwhelmed to meet only 10% of the retail store orders. But now conditions are better because the Wings have added production capacity at two plants Gresik (Surabaya) and Nelumbo nucifera (Bekasi). Mie Sedaap also preparing to launch five new flavor variants, complements the previous three flavors.
Although often regarded as a successful follewer, known as a company even mee too, of course, successful Wings supported by the core competency that distinguishes it from other companies. A solid distribution network, control of raw materials and semi-finished materials for the basic ingredients of soap and detergents, perfumes and technologies included in soap or detergent is a core competency and strength possessed by the Wings.
Wings have the opportunity to capture a huge market, because demand for the products of daily needs (fast moving consumer goods) will not recede, will continue to grow even as population growth.
In addition to strength in technology and distribution network, a flexible organizational systems also become difficult to separate the power of search at other companies. This organization opposes the system toward a system that includes a vertical organizational bureaucracy that tends convoluted. Flexible system that enables organizations making decisions more quickly, the Wings, each director's position has the same authority to make important decisions regarding the company's operations daily. While the Board of Director of the number of people over 12 are dealing with long-term strategic decisions.
If we observe the model of two-by-two-growth-share matrix developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the business that became the backbone and its cash cow business is fast moving consumer goods. This industry is very fast rotation of the money crisis and dull, so the market is always guaranteed. While business on the rise or a star is the food business, Mie Sedaap namely, that in less than a year of launch in April 2003 had captured the market share of 12% of Indofood. Of the total market of instant noodles Rp8 trillion / year has been pocketing the Rp.864 Wings billion, a figure that is fantastic for a new product. While businesses belonging to the question mark is the upstream industry in the form of oil palm plantations that produce crude palm oil is exported to various countries.
More developments rapidly took place which led to the birth of our second factory, P.T. Sayap Mas Utama, in Jakarta. These facilities produce toilet soaps, powder and bar detergents, floorcleaners, fabric softeners, and sanitary napkins for all of Indonesia and beyond. A third facility, P.T. Lionindo Jaya, was established in Jakarta together with Lion Corporation of Japan to produce brands such as Emeron, Page One, Ciptadent, and Mama. Their products include shampoo, shower gel, skincare products, toothpaste, and dishwashing liquid. After five years, these brands have succeeded in capturing a significant marketshare in Indonesia.
We are proud to be recognized as a well established and prudent business group in Indonesia. Our company has expanded vertically and horizontally, and even into other sectors such as building materials. However, our philosophy remains,
According to Porter, the company has two common ways in response to opportunity and to build competitive advantage, namely low cost and differentiation. Wings is known as a follower company, but when viewed from the composition of the product, Wings always add value to differentiate their products with competitors' products, besides the Wings always sell their products at lower prices than competitors. This may be due to low production load, so the margin could be higher to boost campaign funds. Also Wings also implement integration strategies up stream and down stream of guaranteed supply of raw materials continuously. Production specially built house, the distribution of self-insured products, including packaging requirements could reduce the cost of production.
Wings also have applied the value chain in any business for a long time, the effort to produce a series of activities in preparation of the product from sale until after service went well and can enhance customer value to reduce costs.
Behavior in Organization (Result control recomendation)
1st Concept of Goal Congruence
Goal congruence is the process which means thats all actions / activities that bring people into what the personal interest is also the interest of the company (in line).
Two important questions to evaluate the management control practice:
1. Any action that can motivate people to be their interests?
2. Are these actions in accordance with the main interests of the company?
2nd Informal and Formal Factors Control System. Formal systems and informal processes affect human behavior (human being) in the organization. In order to implement the strategy effectively, a formal mechanism must be consistent with the informal.
Rules or regulations is all that including the formal instruction and control, including: standing instructions, job descriptions, standard operating procedures, manuals, and ethical issues
External factors are the norms of the desired attitude, which is in the community where the organization is located.
Culture is something that has become a tradition, or trusted by all members of the organization to become common, such as: general beliefs, values, norms, or assumptions. Corporate culture is usually not changed for several years. Typically, organizational culture is also influenced by the personality and policies of the CEO, and by lower-level-managers on areas that they control.
Management style provides the most powerful influence on management control and that gives color to the company
Informal Organization despite describing the existing organizational structure that describes the authority and responsibility, is still communication and relationships between all parties in the organization was instrumental in achieving the objectives of the organization.
3rd Types of Organization
The company's strategy has an important influence on organizational structure. While the organizational structure will affect the design of management control system.
Based on organizational structure, the companies are grouped into:
a. Functional Structure
b. Business Unit Structure
c. Matrix Structure
Business unit is the form of organization that are designed to solve problems inherent in the functional structure. A Business Unit, also called the division, responsible for all functions, including production and marketing to a specific product line. Business Unit Manager will act as if those units were separate companies. They are responsible for planning and Coordinating work on the functions separate. Performance is measured by profitability of the business unit.
Although the business unit managers have overall authority for their units, headquarters (central leader) still have special privileges. At least the leadership of these centers are responsible for giving and receiving corporate funds as a whole, mesahkan budget, etc..
Advantages and disadvantages of the business structure of this unit include
? Can be used as objects of training managers the ability to manage a company's business;
? Proximity to the market's business units, then the response will be faster;
? Publication occurs between business units with headquarters;
? Large operational costs;
? Disputes between business units, etc..
WINGS Corporation (PT. wing Mas Utama)
Goal Congruence
WINGS Goal or target is to produce products of international quality with economical price. Goal is stated also in its philosophy of "Produce quality and capability, in the comfort of consumers".
Organizational Structure
Wings with difersifikasi product, has a business unit structure.
Despite playing in a variety of business sectors, the heart Wings Group is the industry of soap, toiletries and personal care (Consumer goods). Business is at the bone punggungdan his cash-cow.
Jakarta Office :
Kawasan Perluasan Utara PT JIEP
Jalan Tipar Cakung Kav F 5-7 Jakarta 13910
Phone: (62-21) 4602696 ( Hunting )
Fax : (62-21) 4603494, 4609211
Today, WINGS is recognized as well established and prudent business group in Indonesia with a particular strength in the manufacture of soaps and detergents. WINGS' products are recognized for their quality and affordability, and are readily available. Throughout the Indonesian archipelago, theWINGS name enjoys respect, trust and loyalty from wholesalers, retailers and consumers alike.
It strives to continually build on its core competencies, placing major emphasis on mutually rewarding relationships, uncompromised quality and real value - be they in the interests of customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders.
Central to WINGS' core values is the emphasis on human resource development. Recognizing that the people of the WINGS are critical to its success.
Working in harmony and unity, adopting a consultative approach to decision-making, maintaining a high level of professionalism, offering customers the best quality and value - these are the beliefs that have provided the foundation upon which the success of WINGS was built and sustained.
The WINGS mission is improving these two-pronged objectives: improving standards of living and enhancing the quality of life. With WINGS, life keeps better!
1. Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
MCS assignment 2 about Term Paper
Management Control System in Nestle
Nestlé is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. We are committed to increasing the nutritional value of our products while improving the taste. We achieve this through our brands and with initiatives like the Nutritional Compass and 60/40+.
Since Henri Nestlé developed the first milk food for infants in 1867, and saved the life of a neighbor’s child, the Nestlé Company has aimed to build a business as the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness company based on sound human values and principles.
While our Nestlé Corporate Business Principles will continue to evolve and adapt to a changing world, our basic foundation is unchanged from the time of the origins of our Company, and reflects the basic ideas of fairness, honesty, and a general concern for people.
Nestlé is committed to the following Business Principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices:
Nestlé's business objective is to manufacture and market the Company's products in such a way as to create value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees, consumers, and business partners.
Nestlé does not favor short-term profit at the expense of successful long-term business development.
Nestlé recognizes that its consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest in the behavior, beliefs and actions of the Company behind brands in which they place their trust, and that without its consumers the Company would not exist.
Nestlé believes that, as a general rule, legislation is the most effective safeguard of responsible conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to staff in the form of voluntary business principles is beneficial in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the organization.
Nestlé is conscious of the fact that the success of a corporation is a reflection of the professionalism, conduct and the responsible attitude of its management and employees. Therefore recruitment of the right people and ongoing training and development are crucial.
Nestlé continues to maintain its commitment to follow and respect all applicable local laws in each of its markets.
Result control is control strategy which emphazise about result of activities. Result control is related with rewards to someone could get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point is how the manager could manage the company and could get what they expected. we must use the result control because result control has the added values.
Five steps to be taken to design the result control are:
-dimension set right whatever to assess the performance of an organizational unit,
-define how to measure the dimensions of performance,
-set targets,
-monitoring the performance obtained,
-giving reward or punishment,
Action control is control strategy which emphasis of activities. Action control used to get the trust if the employees could do the job well.
Four steps to be taken to design the action control are:
-behavioral constraints
-preaction review
-action accountability
People control is a control strategy which focus on types of choosen people which trusted to do and finish job. People control is used if the manager or the parties which do the control doesn't have knowledge or skills enough.
Three steps to be taken to design the people control are:
-selection and job placement,
-designer job
So, the differences about result control, action control, and people control are
-result control emphasis of the finishing of people's job
-action control emphasis of what the people doing
-people control emphasis of type choosen people to do something job.
Nestlé with headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé and is today the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness company. Sales for 2008 were CHF 109.9 bn, with a net profit of CHF 18.0 bn. We employ around 283 000 people and have factories or operations in almost every country in the world.
The Company's strategy is guided by several fundamental principles. Nestlé's existing products grow through innovation and renovation while maintaining a balance in geographic activities and product lines. Long-term potential is never sacrificed for short-term performance. The Company's priority is to bring the best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are, whatever their needs, throughout their lives.
The Nestlé Addresses navigation at the top of this page will give you access to Nestlé offices and websites around the world. We demonstrate through our way of doing business in all the countries where we are present a deep understanding of the local nature of nutrition, health and wellness; we know that there is no one single product for everyone - our products are tailored to suit tastes and habits wherever you are.
1.Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nestlé S.A.
Chairman's and Corporate Governance Committee (Chairman)
Nomination Committee
Chief Executive Officer, Nestlé S.A.
Chairman's and Corporate Governance Committee
• Andreas KOOPMANN
1st Vice Chairman
Chairman's and Corporate Governance Committee
Compensation Committee
Nomination Committee (Chairman)
2nd Vice Chairman
Chairman's and Corporate Governance Committee
Audit Committee (Chairman)
• Jean-René FOURTOU
Chairman's and Corporate Governance Committee
Compensation Committee
• Daniel BOREL
Compensation Committee (Chairman)
• Jean-Pierre MEYERS
Compensation Committee
Audit Committee
• Carolina MÃœLLER-MÖHL
Nomination Committee
• Steven George HOCH
Nomination Committee
• Naïna Lal KIDWAI
Audit Committee
• Beat HESS
Audit Committee
2.Executive Board
Chief Executive Officer, Nestlé S.A.
• Francisco CASTAÑER
Executive Vice President
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products, Liaison with L'Oréal, Human Resources
• Werner J. BAUER
Executive Vice President
Chief Technology Officer, Head of Innovation, Technology, Research and Development
• Frits VAN DIJK
Executive Vice President
Zone Director for Asia, Oceania, Africa and Middle East
Executive Vice President
Zone Director for United States of America, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean
• José LOPEZ
Executive Vice President
Operations, GLOBE
• John J. HARRIS
Executive Vice President
Chairman and CEO of Nestlé Waters
• Richard T. LAUBE
Executive Vice President
CEO of Nestlé Nutrition
• James SINGH
Executive Vice President
Finance and Control, Legal, IP, Tax, Global Nestlé Business Services
• Laurent FREIXE
Executive Vice President
Zone Director for Europe
• Petraea HEYNIKE
Executive Vice President responsible for the Strategic Business Units, Marketing, Sales and Nespresso
• Marc CAIRA
Deputy Executive Vice President
Head of Nestlé Professional
• David P. FRICK
Senior Vice President
Corporate Governance, Compliance and Corporate Services
3.Honorary Chairman
• Helmut Oswald MAUCHER
Honorary Chairman
Nestle is one of the famous companies in the world. In accordance with the credos "Good Food Good Life", they tried a commitment to improve nutrition products while improving taste. Nestlé's business objective is to produce and market the Company's products in such a way as to create value that can be sustained in the long term for shareholders, employees, customers, and business partners.
Nestlé does not benefit short-term profits at the expense of long-term success of business development.
Nestlé recognizes that consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest in the behavior, beliefs and actions behind the brand companies in which they placed their trust, and that without the Company's customers would not exist.
Nestlé believes that, as a general rule, the law most effectively in charge of maintaining the behavior, although in certain areas, additional guidance to staff in the form of business principles of voluntary benefit in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the organization.
Nestlé is conscious of the fact that the success of a company is a reflection of the professionalism, conduct and attitude of responsible management and employees. Therefore, hiring the right people and training and sustainable development is very important.
Nestlé continues to maintain its commitment to follow and respect all local laws applicable in each market.
Giving support to employees of Nestle to do innovate in order to the results obtained can be expected, because the award of result control will given to those who get results as expected, because it applies the concept of meritocracy is awarded on the basis of achievement.
Action control of Nestle will be used effective if the managers who know very well how a job should be done.
While the people control is with choose candidates who truly capable and has certain qualifications.
Management control system is very important and also usefull, including of Nestle because as one of the big companies in the world, automated management control system is necessary for the performance of the company can work well, because if it run well of course the results and maximum success will be easily obtained.
- Praptapa, Agung, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
The result control in Sanyo is good, because they can sell their product 1,171 billion yen in 2008. it means that the target of Snyo Co., Ltd is achieved. According with their new vision “Think GAIA”, that have the goal to save the earth. Their company believes that society must develop in harmony with the environment. That is their prime responsibility to pass on green-rich and abundant natural environment to the future generations. The Sanyo Electric group is committed to complying with global trends. In fact, their company was one of the first obtain ISO14001 certification for quality management.
While the environment surrounding us is changing drastically and developing on a global scale, they must establish the persence, if only small, that shines like a diamond, by developing and supplying new technologies and products that meet our customer’s expectations. In this hope, they must combine the best global manufacturing with the latest materials & elemental technologies such as polymers, ceramics, magnets and optics. They must get high-valued added, attractive products able to achieve customer satisfaction.
In order to win through in today’s fierce global competition, they have returned to the basics of manufacturing to persue quality, cost and delivery.
Also, by taking “speed”, “concentration”, “reliance” and “genba-ryoku”(=functional ability in each work place) as their keywords, deepening the technological and product development capabilities they have cultivated in various business fields and displaying their corporate synergies, they must keep on tyring to provide new value thet opens doors to the future.
In Sanyo Co., Ltd, management control system especially result control is very important and useful. So, they must increase their result control also people control to increase the employee's work in order to get the better product.
The result control in Sanyo is good, because they can sell their product 1,171 billion yen in 2008. it means that the target of Snyo Co., Ltd is achieved. According with their new vision “Think GAIA”, that have the goal to save the earth. Their company believes that society must develop in harmony with the environment. That is their prime responsibility to pass on green-rich and abundant natural environment to the future generations. The Sanyo Electric group is committed to complying with global trends. In fact, their company was one of the first obtain ISO14001 certification for quality management.
While the environment surrounding us is changing drastically and developing on a global scale, they must establish the persence, if only small, that shines like a diamond, by developing and supplying new technologies and products that meet our customer’s expectations. In this hope, they must combine the best global manufacturing with the latest materials & elemental technologies such as polymers, ceramics, magnets and optics. They must get high-valued added, attractive products able to achieve customer satisfaction.
In order to win through in today’s fierce global competition, they have returned to the basics of manufacturing to persue quality, cost and delivery.
Also, by taking “speed”, “concentration”, “reliance” and “genba-ryoku”(=functional ability in each work place) as their keywords, deepening the technological and product development capabilities they have cultivated in various business fields and displaying their corporate synergies, they must keep on tyring to provide new value thet opens doors to the future.
In Sanyo Co., Ltd, management control system especially result control is very important and useful. So, they must increase their result control also people control to increase the employee's work in order to get the better product.
(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.)
Since its establishment in 1918, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. has been
guided by its basic management philosophy, which states that the mission of an
enterprise is to contribute to the progress and development of society and the
well-being of people worldwide through its business activities.
In fiscal 2008, which was the first year of our three-year mid-term management
plan, GP3, we pushed ahead with efforts to accelerate growth. We also accelerated
efforts in environmental management, positioning the reduction of environmental
impact in all our business activities, as an equally important management
alongside the generation of steady growth with profitability.
In line with its twin corporate vision of contributing to realizing a ubiquitous
society and coexistence with the global environment, Matsushita will
continue striving for global excellence by working to drive a sustained increase in
corporate value. As part of this drive, we plan to change our name to Panasonic
Corporation on October 1, 2008
HM Sampoerna is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia. We are the maker of some of the most well-known kretek (clove) cigarette brands such as Sampoerna Hijau, Sampoerna A Mild, and the legendary “King of Kretek” Dji Sam Soe. In fact, on May 18, 2005, when our company was acquired by Philip Morris International, we became part of one of the world’s largest tobacco companies. Today HM Sampoerna distributes Marlboro, the world’s best-selling cigarette brand, in Indonesia. Since our company was established in 1913, by our founder Liem Seeng Tee, our aim has been to offer the best smoking experience to adult smokers in Indonesia. We do this by continually seeking out what our consumers want, and delivering the best products to match their expectations. We are proud of our reputation for quality, innovation and excellence.
In 2008, HM Sampoerna had an overall annual share of 29.5% of the Indonesia cigarette market, according to AC Nielsen Retail Audit Results. The company employs around 29,000 people in Indonesia.
CORPORATE PROFILE Honda Motor Co., Ltd. operates under the basic principles of "Respect for the Individual" and "The Three Joys" — commonly expressed as The Joy of Buying, The Joy of Selling and The Joy of Creating. "Respect for the Individual" reflects our desire to respect the unique character and ability of each individual person, trusting each other as equal partners in order to do our best in every situation. Based on this, "The Three Joys" expresses our belief and desire that each person working in, or coming into contact with our company, directly or through or products, should share a sense of joy through that experience.
In line with these basic principles, since its establishment in 1948, Honda has remained on the leading edge by creating new value and providing products of the highest quality at a reasonable price, for worldwide customer satisfaction. In addition, the Company has conducted its activities with a commitment to protecting the environment and enhancing safety in a mobile society.
The Company has grown to become the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer and one of the leading automakers. With a global network of 501* subsidiaries and affiliates accounted for under the equity method, Honda develops, manufactures and markets a wide variety of products, ranging from small general-purpose engines and scooters to specialty sports cars, to earn the Company an outstanding reputation from customers worldwide.
Control system is an action chain and tools that support its actions, which is used together to attain the objectives. We form control system in order to get what we want. In company, control system is formed to guarantee that the objectives have been planned is will be reach. Merchant, an expert in management control system, offer three strategies in order to the control system can be work well, and they are:
Result control
Action control
People control
In this paper, I focus on action control of PT Holcim Tbk, one of several big companies in the world.
Cultural Control in PT Bank Mega Tbk
Robert N. Anthony Anthony (2007) defined Management Control as the process by which managers influence other members of the organization to implement the organization’s strategies. Management control systems are tools to aid management for steering an organization toward its strategic objectives. Management controls are only one of the tools which managers use in implementing desired strategies. However strategies get implemented through management controls, organizational structure, human resources management and culture. Anthony & Young (1999) showed management control system as a black box. The term black box is used to describe an operation whose exact nature cannot be observed. MCS involves the behavior of managers and these behaviors cannot be expressed by equations. Anthony & Young (1999) showed that management accounting has three major subdivisions: full cost accounting, differential accounting and management control or responsibility accounting.
People Control
It is the control strategy that focus to types the choosing people, who have trustable to do and finished him/her job. Choosing of people control is to ensure the organization that people can control the behavior him/her self although control each other within inter organization. So its expected there is self monitoring and mutual monitoring. That two approaches is called as personnel control and cultural control.
Personnel control based on the view that basically the human being having the tendency to contol him/her self.
Cultural control happened when the people in the organization is observe and control each other, so there is such as emotional bunch between them, and then appears the group norm and value.
Krakatau Steel (Corporation) is the only integrated steel industry in Indonesia and Southeast Asia's largest. Krakatau Steel Corporation offers a wide range of products, including clean water, electricity, steel, industrial engineering, industrial areas, ports, information technology services, and medical services. With the increase in steel demand in Indonesia, since 1979 the production facilities coupled with the operation of a sponge iron plant, steel billet mill, wire rod plant, a steel slab plant and the hot sheet steel factory. Located in Cilegon, Banten, headquarters address at Industry street No. 5 Cilegon.
To meet the needs of the domestic steel market and the increasing ability to compete in international markets, the company to modernize and expand production facilities. Step restructuring and conducted a firm foundation in the free trade era. Such a move is supported by continuous efforts in improving the efficiency, utilization, productivity, consistency in implementing the marketing strategy. In addition, strategic measures prepared by management include: factory reconditioned, that is changing and improving production facilities are old; continue the program cost competitiveness, namely the use of cost-efficient and well targeted; and implementation of an ERP program information system integrated to build the company's competitiveness.
NIM: C1L007039
The history of train in Indonesia began as the Governor General of East Indies, Mr L. A. J. Baron Sloet van de Beele led the inauguration ceremony in Kemijen Village on June 17, 1864. It was established by “Naamlooze Venootschap Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Maatschappij” (NV. NISM). This private corporate built a train line that connected Kemijen – Tanggung and from February 10, 1870 Semarang – Surakarta (110 km). Railways were also built in South Sumatera (1914), West Sumatera (1891), North Sumatera (1886), Aceh (1874), and also on the island of Sulawesi in 1922 to connect Makasar – Takalar (47 km).
After Indonesia’s independence on August 17, 1945, the railways were taken over from the Japanese by railway staffs who united as “Angkatan Moeda Kereta Api” (AMKA). This happened in September 28, 1945 as Ismagil and several other AMKA members declared that the Indonesian railways belonged to the Indonesian. Later the date was set to be National Train Day. Five years later, based on the announcement made by the Minister of Transportation, Labour and Public Works No. 2 January 6, 1250, DKRI and “Staat-spoor Wegen en Verenigde Spoorweg Bedrijf (SS/VS) fused to “Djawatan Kereta Api” (DKA) starting from January 6, 1950.
In order to reorganize the corporate, the government issued Law No. 19/1960 which stated that the structure of the corporate was BUMN. Based on this law, the government later issued Government Regulation No. 22/1963 on May 25, 1963 and established “Perusahaan Kereta Api Negara” (PNKA) with Djawatan Kereta Api fused into it. On August 1, 1969, the government issued Law No.9/1969 and divided BUMN into three types; Limited Corporate, Public Corporate, and Bureau. Based on this law, according to Government Regulation No 61/1971, in September 15, 1971 PNKA was amended into “Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api” (PJKA).
According to Government Regulation No. 57/ 1990, on January 2, 1991, PJKA changed its status and became Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api or Perumka. This change of status has enhanced the workmanship in the corporate ever since.
Later, according to Loan Agreement No. 4 106-IND on 15 January 1997 about fund aid from the World Bank, which later known as “Proyek Efisiensi Kereta Api” or Railway Efficiency Project (REP), and Government Regulation No. 19/1998 which was issued on February 3, 1998, the government appointed Perusahaan Umum (PERUM) Kereta Api to change its form into Limited Corporate (Persero). The procession of this status amendment was done on June 1, 1999, when the Secretary of Transportation Giri S. Hardjono affirmed the direction of PT Kereta Api (Persero) (Indonesian Railways) in Bandung.
Management control systems is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies. It influences the behavior of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies. Management involves managers taking steps to help ensure that the employees do what is best to organization. This is an important function because it is people in the organization who make happen.
Result control is the control system which focus on result from an organization activities. Result Control related with rewards to someone can get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point in result control is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected or the result is very important. The ways to the result are ignored. In the result control has a 5 step to planning a result control :
1. determine the right dimension to estimate a performance the organization.
2. determine how to measure dimension of organization performance.
3. establish the target.
4. monitoring
5. reward and punishment
PT Indosat Tbk was established in 1967 as a foreign investment company to provide international telecommunications services in Indonesia, commencing its operations in 1969 with the inauguration of the Jatiluhur earth station. In1980, the Government of Indonesia acquired all of the shares of Indosat, which then became a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE). In 1994, Indosat listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange, the Surabaya Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, achieving the distinction of being the first SOE to be listed overseas.
In 2001, we established PT Indosat Multi Media Mobile (IM3), followed by acquiring full control of PT Satelit Palapa Indonesia, thus making Indosat Group the second largest cellular operator in Indonesia.
On November 2003, following the signing of the Merger Deed to merge Satelindo, IM3 and Bimagraha into Indosat, Indosat emerges as a cellular focused Full Network Service Provider (FNSP).
Indosat is the second largest mobile operator with 16.704.639 subscriber base by the end 2006. Indosat launched its 3.5G for the Jakarta and Surabaya regions in November 29, 2006. Indosat 3.5G in the intermediate generation of the 3G technology, which enables subscribers to enjoy better quality voice, video or hifh speed data/internet access of up to 3.6 Mbps or around 9 times faster than standard 3G service.
In June 2008, Qatar Telecom (Qtel) bought all Indosat shares through the holding company of Indonesia Communications Limited from Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte. Ltd. and became the majority shareholders of Indosat. Indosat has become the largest contribution in term of number of subscribers to Qatar Telecom and one of the tools to achieve Qtel’s vision to become the Top 20 operators in the world by 2020.
Board of Directors
Mr. Harry Sasongko is the President Director of Indosat started on August 11, 2009.
Mr. Kaizad Bomi Heerjee is a Director and Chief Commercial Officer, since June 2009, and previously he has been the Deputy President Director since December 2005.
Mr. Fadzri Santosa is a Director and Chief Wholesale and Infrastructure, since June 2009, and previously he has been the Director of Jabotabek and Corporate Sales since June 2007.
Mr. Peter Kuncewicz is a Director of Indosat since September 1st, 2009
Mr. Steve Hobbs is a Director of Indosat since June 11, 2009.
Board of Commisioner
H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al Thani is The President Commissioner of Indosat since August 2008.
Mr. Setyanto has been a Commissioner since June 2005.
Nasser Marafih is the Commissioner of Indosat since August 2008.
Rahmat Gobel is the Commissioner of Indosat since August 2008.
Mr. Seney is Commissioner of Indosat since 11 Juni 2009.
Michael Latimer is the Independent Comissioner of Indosat since August 2008.
Mr. Soeprapto has been an Independent Commissioner and a member of our Audit Committee since June 2005.
Mr. George Thia Peng Heok has join Indosat in 2008 as member of Board of Commissioner.
Mr. Rionald Silaban has join Indosat Board of Commissioner in 2008.
Mr. Jarman has join Indosat Board of Commissioner in 2008.
Their mission is to be the provider of choice for information and communication solutions in Indonesia. They always try to develop innovative and quality products and services for the customers and also continuously grow share values for the stockholders.
Indosat should continous develop their products and services by implement the result control in their management system, so they could keep providing products and services which enhance the quality of life of the communities we operate in.
Indosat has implement the result control. But they should keep on hard work with it to increase the result. And also start to implement the people control to sinkronize with the result control to get the best result in the future, give the best services and innovative products to the customers.
Praptapa, Agung. 2009. “ The Art of Controling People “. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Management Control Systems and Corporate Responsibility
Firms providing external control systems can be divided into four categories:
1. Global accounting firms,
2. Monitoring firms,
3. Forensic and investigation firms, and
4. Quality assurance or quality registrar firms.
Global Accounting Firms: Several large accounting firms offer external monitoring services globally by using auditors in various parts of the world. While these auditors have experience reviewing wage and hour records, they have been criticized by some advocacy groups for lacking the experience and skills to interview workers effectively and to examine factories for health and safety violations.
Monitoring Firms or NGOs: As monitoring of workplace conditions has grown in importance, several firms and NGOs focusing exclusively on workplace monitoring have been created in the past few years. Many of these firms, based in the United States, have staff or affiliates in exporting countries around the world and focus their efforts specifically on inspecting work sites for code of conduct violations.
Quality Registrar or ISO Certification Firms: Building on the platform established by the International Standards Organization (ISO), a non-governmental organization established to promote the development of voluntary standards that govern quality and environmental impacts, several quality registrars or quality certification firms have started performing workplace monitoring on codes of conduct and human rights issues. Many of these firms already visit and certify factories against ISO standards and several have begun to expand their services to include workplace assessments relating to codes of conduct and human rights.
Forensic and Investigation Firms: Other organizations currently providing external monitoring services include those from the forensic and investigation industry. Forensic and investigation firms typically use of network of professionals to investigate allegations of impropriety or perform due diligence assessments of potential or existing suppliers’ ability to comply with codes.
The analysis of the implementation content of corporate codes suggests that firms do not use external monitoring as a tool for addressing a range of ethical and legal compliance challenges. For example, the bribery codes provide relatively extensive discussions of implementation but hardly ever mention the use of external verification (aside from financial audit of accounts). Although there are a number of reasons for this, it points to another basic feature of corporate conduct and misconduct – that not all of it can be effectively monitored by external parties. Some types of misconduct (e.g. the more sophisticated forms of bribery) would be hard to discern for someone not close to the bribery transaction. In order to prevent these types of misconduct, firms need to deploy a larger kit of compliance tools. In connection with bribery, whistle-blowing facilities are considered to be a crucial ingredient of an effective compliance programmed. These, in effect, try to draw out information from company employees (who may, after all, be better informed than any external auditor could ever be) about misconduct that may be occurring within the company.
Nur Hikmah S
Control is a guarantee that the defined objectives will be achieved. System is a series of related subsystems to each other to be used together to achieve goals. Thus, the control system is a series of actions and devices that support the action, which will be used together to achieve goals.
Every organization needs a system of reliable guarantee to achieve its intended purpose. Assurance system is in the management control systems. Management control is the management process to ensure that the strategy had been formulated properly executed to achieve organizational goals.
A good control is control that provides the greatest assurance that what we want accomplished and what we do not want does not happen. Control system can not run properly because of control problems. Control problems may occur because of several reasons, first, lack of direction that the people in the organization do not understand exactly what expected by the organization. Second, lack of motivation of the people in the organization did not want to work should be. Third, lack of competence or personal limitation that is a situation where the people who perform tasks can not do well their job because of their limited capacity.
Mercant, an expert on management control system, offers three strategies for the control system, there are:
1. Result Control
2. Action Control
3. People Control
This paper discusses about control system on PT. Indosat, Tbk, particularly regarding of result control based on the analysis of the company profile. Result control is a control system that focuses on results from an activity.
At the company context, controlling system build for guarantee that achieved of the goal planning.
Merchant a competent of management controlling system, supplying of three strategic, controlling system could be going good by result control, action control and the people control.
In this cases, will describe about result control in Procter & Gamble Company (P&G).
Result control is a controlling system focused concentrate in a result of the activities. There is correlated by giving rewards for people who has result of the wishes thing, and giving punishment for people who has not result of the wishes thing. Followed of accountability result, where is employees including manager must be accountable to the result.
Established in 1837, The Procter & Gamble Company began as a small, family operated soap and candle company in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Today, P&G markets almost 300 products to more than five billion consumers in 140 countries. Procter & Gamblers corporate tradition is rooted in the principles of personal integrity, respect for the individual and doing what's right for the long-term. More than 98,000 P&G people work every day to provide products of superior quality and value to the world's consumers.
They will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world consumers, now and for generation to come. As result, consumers will reward their with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing their people, their shareholders and the communities in which they live and work to proper.
Chairman, President & CEO : Alan ( A.G ) Lafley
Chief Operating Officer: Robert ( Bob)McDonald
Vice Chairman and CFO :Clayton Daley
President, global business units :Susan Arnold
Board of directors : Bruce Byrnes
P&G is its people and the values by which They live.
They attract and recruit the finest people in the world. They build their organization from within, promoting and rewarding people without regard to any difference unrelated to performance. They act on the conviction that the men and women of Procter & Gamble always will be their most important asset.
Innovative research and development at P&G provides the superior products on which its commercials success is based. The involves creating new products and technologies such as Olay identify, Gillettes Fussion and Swiffer as well as continuing improvement of existing products such as Crest Oral care products Pantene hair care products and Tide laundry detergent. The company total expenditures for research and development for fiscal year 2007/2008 was more than $2 billion. P&G its subsidiaries now have 28 Innovation center in 10 countries on four continents.
P&G is a big company much subsidiaries in some countries. Its must be managing efficiency and effectively in every subsidiaries that country, its could be increased value of the company. Must be always in control every time.
P&G usually has targets to increased their innovation products, technology, and social responsibility in the people. Also P & G has many employees in subsidiaries countries. That’s all could be better if the company can controlled by a managers in a center. But its supported by every management and employees to increased and improved their product.
Nur Hikmah S
Control is a guarantee that the defined objectives will be achieved. System is a series of related subsystems to each other to be used together to achieve goals. Thus, the control system is a series of actions and devices that support the action, which will be used together to achieve goals.
Every organization needs a system of reliable guarantee to achieve its intended purpose. Assurance system is in the management control systems. Management control is the management process to ensure that the strategy had been formulated properly executed to achieve organizational goals.
A good control is control that provides the greatest assurance that what we want accomplished and what we do not want does not happen. Control system can not run properly because of control problems. Control problems may occur because of several reasons, first, lack of direction that the people in the organization do not understand exactly what expected by the organization. Second, lack of motivation of the people in the organization did not want to work should be. Third, lack of competence or personal limitation that is a situation where the people who perform tasks can not do well their job because of their limited capacity.
Mercant, an expert on management control system, offers three strategies for the control system, there are:
1. Result Control
2. Action Control
3. People Control
This paper discusses about control system on PT. Kimia Farma (Persero), Tbk., particularly regarding of result control based on the analysis of the company profile. Result control is a control system that focuses on results from an activity.
Nurma Wijareni
Management Control System In Bank Bukopin
Bank Bukopin has been focusing on UMKMK (Micro, Small, Medium and Cooperative Business) segment, and keeps developing it self to enter the medium bank category in Indonesia from assets Presspective. In line with the opportunity and capacity improvement in serving wider scope of people's needs, Bank Bukopin has expanded its business segment into commercial and consumer segments.These three segments have become the pillar of Bank Bukopin's business, delivering either conventional or sharia' banking service, supported by optimum fund management system, advanced information technology, competent human capital, as well as good corporate governance best practices. This foundation has enabled Bank Bukopin to move forward and position itself as a credible bank. Bank Bukopin operation has been currently supported by more than 280 offices spreading in 22 provinces all over Indonesia under real time on-line connection. Bank Bukopin has also established micro-banking network namely Swamitra, with over 543 offices (outlets), as a realization of partnership program with cooperative unions and micro finance institutions.
NIM : C1L007005
A. Introduction
Management control systems are categorized as part of the knowledge of applied behavior (applied behavioral science). Basically, this system contains a claim to us about how to run and control the organization that "being good" based on certain assumptions. In this case "being good" means being able to embody / translate among others:
a. Performance measures that reflect the company / organization running efficiently, effectively, and productively.
b. Policy in determining the above benchmarks.
c. Apreasiasi to the resources the company organization.
Each company has different complexity in management control, the greater the scale of the company will increasingly complex.
Management Control System is control management process to ensure that the company has do the strategy effectively and efficiently.
There are 3 strategy in order to the control system can run well. They are: Result Control, Action Control and People Control.
Ganjar Bayu P
I. Introduction
Management Control Systems (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies. Finally, MCS influences the behavior of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies. MCS might be formal or informal. The term ‘management control’ was given of its current connotations by Robert N. Anthony (Otley, 1994).
Robert N. Anthony Anthony (2007) defined Management Control as the process by which managers influence other members of the organization to implement the organization’s strategies. Management control systems are tools to aid management for steering an organization toward its strategic objectives. Management controls are only one of the tools which managers use in implementing desired strategies. However strategies get implemented through management controls, organizational structure, human resources management and culture.
Anthony & Young (1999) showed management control system as a black box. The term black box is used to describe an operation whose exact nature cannot be observed. MCS involves the behavior of managers and these behaviors cannot be expressed by equations. Anthony & Young (1999) showed that management accounting has three major subdivisions: full cost accounting, differential accounting and management control or responsibility accounting.
According to Horngren et al. (2005), management control system is an integrated technique for collecting and using information to motivate employee behavior and to evaluate performance. According to Simons (1995), Management Control Systems are the formal, information-based routines and procedures managers use to maintain or alter patterns in organizational activities.
Chenhall (2003) mentioned that the terms management accounting (MA), management accounting systems (MAS), management control systems (MCS), and organizational controls (OC) are sometimes used interchangeably. In this case, MA refers to a collection of practices such as budgeting or product costing. But MAS refers to the systematic use of MA to achieve some goal and MCS is a broader term that encompasses MAS and also includes other controls such as personal or clan controls. Finally OC is sometimes used to refer to controls built into activities and processes such as statistical quality control, just-in-time management.
According to Maciariello et al. (1994), management control is concerned with coordination, resource allocation, motivation, and performance measurement. The practice of management control and the design of management control systems draws upon a number of academic disciplines. Management control involves extensive measurement and it is therefore related to and requires contributions from accounting especially management accounting. Second, it involves resource allocation decisions and is therefore related to and requires contribution from economics especially managerial economics. Third, it involves communication, and motivation which means it is related to and must draw contributions from social psychology especially organizational behavior.
Ganjar Bayu P.
II. Definition of people control
People Control is a strategy controlling that focus on to manage the people or each person and believe they can do it their work and can finishing their work. People control usually use if manager or other controller do not have a enough knowledge and skill about how the work must be do. People control use to encourage the organization that people can control themselves although other people behavior in the organization. In people control have a two approaches there are : self monitoring and mutual monitoring. People control is a control approach that emphasizes the type or characteristics of people who work will help carry out their tasks to achieve organizational goals. So here is the approach used was to “choose the right people” or choosing the right people.
We should be able to choose the right person to help us get what we want. In the context of the company, of course, we must be clever choosing the right people who can help us achieve company goals. This approach is very effective if we (those who do control) Not understand correctly the expected results in an activity and Not understand how the results of work to get it.
III. A glance of Samsung
Samsung is guided by a singular vision: to lead the digital convergence movement.
We believe that through technology innovation today, we will find the solutions we need to address the challenges of tomorrow. From technology, comes opportunity—for businesses to grow, for citizens in emerging markets to prosper by tapping into the digital economy, and for people to invent new possibilities.
It's our aim to develop innovative technologies and efficient processes that create new markets, enrich people's lives and continue to make Samsung a trusted market leader.
Everything we do at Samsung is guided by our mission: to be the best “digital-εCompany”.
Samsung grew into a global corporation by facing challenges directly. In the years ahead, our dedicated people will continue to embrace many challenges and come up with creative ideas to develop products and services that lead in their markets. Their ingenuity will continue to chart Samsung's course as a profitable, responsible global corporation.
Ganjar Bayu. P.
IV. Structure organization
Yoon-Woo Lee was named Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Samsung Electronics
Gee-Sung Choi has been a member of the company's Board of Directors
Ju-Hwa Yoon has been Samsung Electronics' President and a member of the company's Board of Directors
Sang-Hoon Lee has been Samsung Electronics' Executive Vice President
Kap-Hyun Lee, Dong-Min Yoon, Chae-Woong Lee, Goran S. Malm, and Oh-Soo Park has been a member of Samsung's board of directors
V. People Control
We believe that living by strong values is the key to good business. At Samsung, a rigorous code of conduct and these core values are at the heart of every decision we make.
Quite simply, a company is its people. At Samsung, we’re dedicated to giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential.
Everything we do at Samsung is driven by an unyielding passion for excellence—and an unfaltering commitment to develop the best products and services on the market.
In today’s fast-paced global economy, change is constant and innovation is critical to a company’s survival. As we have done for 70 years, we set our sights on the future, anticipating market needs and demands so we can steer our company toward long-term success.
Operating in an ethical way is the foundation of our business. Everything we do is guided by a moral compass that ensures fairness, respect for all stakeholders and complete transparency.
A business cannot be successful unless it creates prosperity and opportunity for others. Samsung is dedicated to being a socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen in every community where we operate around the globe.
VI. Recommendation
control people conducted by Samsung to get more attention from the management, so that communication between the employees and the management can be more smoothly. in addition, companies also need to consider the result to be achieved or the proceeds.
VII. Summary
At Samsung, a rigorous code of conduct and these core values are at the heart of every decision we make.
VII. References
Mercant, an expert on management control system, offers three strategies for the control system, there are result control, action control, and people control.
The word control is often used in a different sense. To explain simply what it used controls the thermostat example, although it is a very simplified explanation. An air conditioner for example, has instruments to measure temperature, and then comparing that temperature to the desired temperature, and then a corrective action if there is a difference between the existing temperature with desired temperature. Corrective action is in the form of air conditioning to keep working until the temperature in accordance with the desired. When the desired temperature has been reached then the AC will stop. In terms of management control system (MCS) measures the performance manager, then compare the performance of existing performance standards, and do corective action if there is a difference between the existing performance with desired performance. These examples is to provide an illustration of the sense control in the strict sense.
In a larger sense, control is not merely to measure performance, but also include controls that are more general such as direct supervision, recruitment standards, and even a standard operating procedure (SOP). Controls pay attention to how to provide encouragement (Encouraging), make something to do (enabling), and sometimes have to force (forcing) the people in the organization to act in the best for the organization.
Management control should be more proactive than reactive. Proactive control means designed to keep the problem did not appear before the company had to suffer because of improper performance. Examples of proactive control is the planning process, to the approval of expenditure of money, a password before using the computer, as well as segregation of duties for employees of a company.
Mechanisms and tools used in the management control to employee behavior and decision consistent with organizational objectives and strategies referred to as management control system (MCS).
Definition of action control
Action controls are the most direct from of management control because they involve taking steps to ensure that employees act in the organizations best interest by making their actions themselves the focus of control. Action Control is control strategy which emphasize at action aspect, action control used for get conviction that employees perform activity, which have a good consequences for an organization and doesn't perform activity which have a bad consequences for an organization. Action control is characteristic of preventive, it's mean to prevent doing the mistakes occurred.
Four type of action control:
1.Behavioral constraints
2.Preaction review
3.Action accountability
Rasyadinda P.G.
A glance of Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Operates under the basic principles of "Respect for the Individual" and "The Three Joys" — commonly expressed as The Joy of Buying, The Joy of Selling and The Joy of Creating. "Respect for the Individual" reflects our desire to respect the unique character and ability of each individual person, trusting each other as equal partners in order to do our best in every situation. Based on this, "The Three Joys" expresses our belief and desire that each person working in, or coming into contact with our company, directly or through or products, should share a sense of joy through that experience.
In line with these basic principles, since its establishment in 1948, Honda has remained on the leading edge by creating new value and providing products of the highest quality at a reasonable price, for worldwide customer satisfaction. In addition, the Company has conducted its activities with a commitment to protecting the environment and enhancing safety in a mobile society.
The Company has grown to become the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer and one of the leading automakers. With a global network of 501* subsidiaries and affiliates accounted for under the equity method, Honda develops, manufactures and markets a wide variety of products, ranging from small general-purpose engines and scooters to specialty sports cars, to earn the Company an outstanding reputation from customers worldwide.
* As of March 31, 2009
Organization structure
Chairman and Representative Director: Satoshi Aoki
President and Representative Director: Takanobu Ito
Executive Vice President and Representative Director: Koichi Kondo
Senior Managing Director:
Akio Hamada
Mikio Yoshimi
Atsuyoshi Hyogo
Shigeru Takagi
Tetsuo Iwamura
Rasyadinda P.G.
Action Control in Honda
Our commitment to diversity is not only to be reflected in our beliefs, but also in our ongoing actions.
Affirmative Action Policy Statement
Honda acts affirmatively to assure that it will: (A) Recruit, hire and promote for all job classifications without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, pregnancy, ancestry, citizenship, marital status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, special disabled or Vietnam Era veteran status, or other protected group status. (B) Base decisions on employment solely upon an individual's qualifications and interest in the position being filled. (C) Make promotion decisions only on the individual's qualifications as related to the requirements of the position for which the associate is being considered without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, disability, special disabled or Vietnam Era veteran status, or other protected group status. (D Ensure that all other personnel actions such as compensation, benefits, transfers, staff reductions, company-sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, social and recreation programs will be administered without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, pregnancy, ancestry, citizenship, marital status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, special disabled or Vietnam Era veteran status, or other protected group status.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
Honda is committed to the policy of Equal Employment Opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate against associates or applicants because of race, color, religious creed, sex, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, a legally protected medical condition, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by local, state or federal law. Employment decisions shall comply with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in employment.
Non-discrimination Policy Statement
Honda is committed to providing a work environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, including harassment that is based on any legally protected status. Honda will not tolerate any form of harassment that violates this policy. This policy forbids any unwelcome conduct that is based on an individual's age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual-orientation, veteran status, physical or mental disability, legally protected medical condition or association with anyone who has, or is perceived to have, any protected characteristic, or any other basis protected by state, federal or local law.
Action control in Honda Co., Inc. is good enough, but this needs to be balanced by the result and control people, so that existing controls can now be better maximized.
action control in the Honda performed with some policy such as:
- Affirmative Action Policy Statement
- Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
- Non-discrimination Policy Statement
Merchant & Stede (2003)
It is not a secret that the world today is in constant move. And informational technologies, phones being among the first, expand very rapidly. So the companies providing communication services are the ones that determine the quality of communication as well as those dictating new tendencies.
The company T-Mobile was founded in December 1999 as a company owned by Deutsche Telecom. Since then T-Mobile became one of the leading companies in mobile communications. It was among the first to operate the GSM (Global Systems for Mobile Communications) which permitted the company to go to the next level of its development. T-Mobile and its affiliates used such technologies like GPRS, UMTS and W-LAN which were focused on the future usage.
T-Mobile is concentrating its efforts on the more productive markets in Europe and the United States. The twelve T-Mobile markets serve more than 106 million users. In order to allow its customers to communicate freely while traveling abroad, the company affiliates with Free Move, a company formed of four Europe’s main phone companies – Orange, TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile), Telia Sonera and T-Mobile.
T-Mobile has the best prices of all US phone connection providers. The phones provided by the company can be used by connection providers from other countries and the activation fee and monthly fees were cancelled.
The new service provided by T-Mobile allows its users to make phone calls using the Internet rather than use the wireless minutes with the help of Wi-Fi phones as well as Wi-Fi network at home. This service will allow T-Mobile to compete with the traditional phone providers.
The new partnership of T-Mobile and Yahoo opens how horizons for both companies. This unity will allow appearing more targeted advertising aimed at consumers on the move. The graphical advertisements served by Yahoo will be available to the Internet users while on cellular phones. This service will assist advertisers to provide the consumers with targeted ads and at the same time will provide direct communication between the advertisers and the consumers. The first ads are intended for the first half of 2008.
On October 13 2006 T-Mobile announced about its partnership with Sony Corporation. This would mean that the mylo users will be able to use the massive mobile network of Wi-Fi hotspot until the end of 2007. Sony produced a virtual slip as a pass to T-Mobile network. So while the mylo cost $350, a year fee for the T-Mobile services cost $360. Definitely, it was basically more convenient to get the TMobile hardware for almost the same price.
Regardless of all its achievements, T-Mobile does not stop here. The company continues to work on the new services and winning new user groups. The new services available such as pay-per-day flat rates, new e-mail push service and novelties in mobile communication devices attempt to make web’n’walk more appealing to different categories of users. The web’n’walk service was started in 2005 and since then more than 2,5 million users are pleased with it. It provides with the Internet access the users of cell phones, smartphones, PDA and notebooks. The service is flexible as it provides different rates for beginners, frequent users and for Internet fans.
The T Mobile company is continuously expanding its influence on the world mobile market and it is suspected that the current achievements are just the beginning.
On 26th June 1958, Mr. Surya Wonowidjojo began the business as a 'home industry' selling the kretek cigarette product under the brand Gudang Garam. Using traditional tools, the company initially hired about 50 people only to make the initial production of Kretek Klobot Cigarettes (SKL), kretek cigarettes using dried corn husks as the cigarette wrapper and Hand Made Cigarette (SKT) in the first factory located on the leased land of 1000m2 at Jalan Semampir II/I at Kediri, East Java. Gudang Garam initially produced about 50 millions cigarettes in 1959. In the beginning, the products were sold locally in the immediate Kediri area, but the Gudang Garam fame was soon to spread.
Within 10 years the popularity of the Gudang Garam brand led the founder to consider expansion. In 1969, the company changed its status from a sole proprietorship to a formal partnership. Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) became Gudang Garam's strong financial partner providing capital support, first in millions of rupiah and later in the billions as the company grew.
In 1971, the status of the company became a Limited Liability Company (PT) and obtained Domestic Capital Investment facilities. The new status allowed PT Gudang Garam to become more progressive in terms of production quality, management and technology. Then, in 1979, PT Gudang Garam began to produce Machine Made Cigarette. The production of Machine Made Cigarette did not affect its labor intensive principle, even It provided more job opportunities.
Mr. Surya Wonowidjojo, passed away in 1985. He left wonderful memories to the whole employees of PT Gudang Garam. In this time, the cigarette industry was becoming more competitive that caused the company to work hard in order to maintain its growth and its employees' welfare the objectives of Mr. Surya Wonowidjojo.
In order to strengthen its capital structure and its financial position, PT Gudang Garam offered and sold a part of its shares to the public through the stock exchanges in Indonesia in 1990.
In 1991, PT Gudang Garam took a long-term strategic decision to diversify. In that year PT Gudang Garam developed an industrial paper business, by establishing PT Surya Pamenang that is also based in Kediri. Currently, 99% of PT Surya Pamenang's shares are owned by PT Gudang Garam.
Prior to this move, the company was reliant on imported materials for packaging, but the entry into this new business assured the constant provision of high quality domestic-sourced packaging material. Today, PT Surya Pamenang has grown beyond the service needs of its parent, PT Gudang Garam, supplying both the wider domestic and overseas export markets.
Control is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized and stated goals of the organization are achieved in desired manner.
According to modern concepts, control is a foreseeing action whereas earlier concept of control was used only when errors were detected. Control in management means setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective action. Thus, control comprises these three main activities.
Management Control Systems (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies. Finally, MCS influences the behavior of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies. MCS might be formal or informal. The term ‘management control’ was given of its current connotations by Robert N. Anthony (Otley, 1994).
It is plan assuring that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organization's goals. Major characteristics of a management control system are: (1) it focuses on programs and ; (2) it is a total system in that it encompasses all aspects of a firm's operation; (3) it is usually built around a financial and accounting structure; and (4) it uses two types of information for managerial control, planned data (such as budgets, standards, and projections) and actual data.
Merchant, an expert on management control system, offers three strategies for the control system, there are:
1. Result Control
2. Action Control
3. People Control
In this paper,we will discuss about control system in MC Donald's, which is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants and serving nearly 47 million customers daily.
Hendra Yolanda
Management Control System in PT. K.A.I
PT. K.A.I (limited company) is one of the state-owned enterprises engaged in railway transportation. Where is the public part owned PJKAI so that was transformed into PT. K.A.I (Persero). In carrying out its activities must be very necessary existence of a good control system. Merchant, an expert in management control system, offer three strategies in order to the control system can be work well, and they are result control, action control
and people control. Therefore, management control system in PT. K.A.I is very important to managing all of employees in PT K.A.I.
I. Introduction
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is one of the larger banks in Indonesia. It specialists in small scale and microfinance style borrowing from and lending to its approximately 30 million retail clients through its over 4,000 branches, units and rural service posts. It also has a comparatively small, but growing, corporate business.
It is currently 70% government owned operating company (Persero) and has been government owned for the entire period since the war of independence (1945 to 1949) to November 2003, when 30% of its shares were sold through an IPO.
BRI also introduced unlimited withdrawals for savers in Indonesia after field studies showed that a limit was the main obstacle preventing people to open saving accounts in rural banks. Contrary to what many people feared, the number of withdrawals did not increase as a result. It showed that savers didn't want to withdraw more frequently but simply to have the freedom to do so
Management Control System in PT. Merpati Nusantara Indonesia
Every company must have their control systems - each is applied to obtain good performance results. In the corporate context, corporate control system built to ensure that the planned objectives can be achieved perfectly. We can see from the management control system, from this side offers 3 strategies to control the system works well , namely through:
1.result control
2.action control
3.people control
Excuse me...
(Just Infromation)
is there anyone that has been identified MCS in Unilever ??
if there isn't, don't post it even send it to Mr.Praptapa's gmail
because I'll send it
but, if there is anyone has send it to Mr.Praptapa's gmail....tell me, please
thank you...
Management Control System constitute a guarantee system that function of management should have been already run well.
Management control system offering 3 strategy, so that the control system can be worked well, there are :
1.Result Control
2.Action Control
3.People Control
With using the strategy of management control system, the company/organization capable to reached the missions/purposes of the company/organization.
Definition of Management Control System's strategy
Result control is the control system which focus on result from an organization activities. Result Control related with rewards to someone can get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point in result control is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected or the result is very important. The ways to the result are ignored. In the result control has a 5 step to planning a result control :
1. determine the right dimension to estimate a performance the organization.
2. determine how to measure dimension of organization performance.
3. establish the target.
4. monitoring
5. reward and punishment
Danone is today the only food group to focus on health. Its adventure began in 1966 with BSN, a French glass-making company that specialised in packaging and flat glass.
In the early 1970s BSN’s CEO Antoine Riboud foresaw the decline of glass and decided to shift the business’s focus from glass containers to their content. He acquired Kronenbourg and Evian in 1972, when he met Daniel Carasso, then CEO of Gervais Danone. The two men shared the desire to make Danone a brand that would be consumed worldwide. In 1973 BSN and Gervais Danone merged, stamping BSN as a food company once and for all.
Antoine Riboud restructured BSN’s manufacturing plant, divested it of its flat glass activity, then in the 1980s started a string of acquisitions in the European food industry. By the early 1990s BSN was a truly international business. In 1994 it become Danone.
Current members of the board of directors of Groupe Danone are: Bruno Bonnell, Richard Goblet d'Alviella, Michel David-Weill, Emmanuel Faber, Jean Laurent, Hirokatsu Hirano, Bernard Hours, Christian Lauble, Hakan Mogren, Jacques Nahmlas, Benoît Potier, Franck Riboud, and Jacques Vincent.
In 2008, Danone recorded an organic growth rate of 8.4% — practical proof that its business growth model truly works. With its operating margin increasing for the 14th year running, the group further strengthened its global standing: world no. 1 in fresh dairy products, world no. 2 in bottled waters, world no. 2 in baby nutrition and European no. 1 in medical nutrition.
The group’s performance is the result of a balanced strategy that builds on international expansion, a growing commitment to innovation, and strengthening health-oriented brands. In order to live up to its ambitions, Danone invests heavily in Research & Development — €208 million in 2008. One hundred percent of projects currently in the pipeline focus on health and nutrition. Three centuries after the benefits of Evian mineral water were discovered, over a century after Blédine was first marketed, and nearly a century after the first Danone yoghurt was retailed in a pharmacy, health innovation remains more than ever a driver of the group’s business growth.
2008 confirmed that the previous year’s acquisition of the Dutch group Numico was strategically sound. With this move, Danone incorporated into its strategy two profitable, fast-growing health-oriented business lines: medical nutrition and baby nutrition. They naturally round off the group’s brand portfolio and are perfectly aligned with its mission to bring health through food to as many people as possible. Today Danone is the only food group to focus totally on health.
For Danone health has always been an overriding concern, closely bound up with its history and brands. In the 1920s Danone yoghurt was sold exclusively in pharmacies. It was the product of the research by Nobel medicine laureate Elie Metchnikoff into lactic fermentation benefits (1908) and the subsequent work of Isaac Carasso. Since then the group has focused on healthy products – an outlook that has shaped innovation and strategy and prompted the company over ten years to divest and concentrate on four key lines: Fresh Dairy Products, Waters, Baby Nutrition, and Medical Nutrition.
The importance of nutrition and public health issues has prompted the group to elevate its health commitment to the rank of principle of governance. “Health governance” builds on three group-wide value – scientific rigour, obedience to the principles of self-discipline, and constant dialogue with stakeholders, which translate into action in the field. One example is Danonino (Petit Gervais), reformulated with added vitamins and minerals to counter specific nutritional deficiencies affecting children in over ten countries. Another instance is Danone’s pledge alongside other major food companies to print transparent nutritional information on product packages.
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Raditya Mgantara
Management Control System in otsuka pharmaceutical co. ltd
Every company must have their control systems - each is applied to obtain good performance results. In the corporate context, corporate control system built to ensure that the planned objectives can be achieved perfectly. We can see from the management control system, from this side offers 3 strategies to control the system works well , namely through:
1.result control
2.action control
3.people control
Management control is a series of actions and activity that occurs in all activities of the organization and running continuously. Management control is not a separate systems in an organization, but must be considered as an integral part of every system in use management to organize and direct the activities.
Management control is a series of actions and activity that occurs in all activities of the organization and running continuously. Management control is not a separate systems in an organization, but must be considered as an integral part of every system in use management to organize and direct the activities.
Hendra Yolanda
Management Control System in PT Kimia Farma Tbk.
Control system we build so that we get what we want. In the context of the company, the control system was built to guarantee that the objectives that have been implemented can be achieved. Merchant, an expert on management control system, offers three strategies for controlling the system can, namely through:
a. Result control
b. Action control
c. People control
In this paper, the author will discuss the control of people at PT Kimia Farma Tbk.
NIM : C1L007010
Once a popular basketball shoe maker, Converse was close to throwing in the towel, but eventually rebounded under NIKE. Converse has sold some 750 million pairs of its classic Chuck Taylor All Star canvas basketball shoes, appealing to everyone from school kids to clothing designers. It also licenses its name to sports apparel makers. In addition, it makes products under the names One Star and Jack Purcell that it sells through retailers and licensees in some 100 countries. A subsidiary of shoe giant NIKE, Converse operates as a separate unit from its parent company's competing sports brands, reining in the kitsch value of Converse's vintage Chuck Taylor brand.
Result controls influence actions because they cause employees to be concerned about the consequences of the actions they take. Action controls are the most direct from of management control because they involve taking steps to ensure that employees act in the organizations best interest by making their actions themselves the focus of control. Personnel controls build on employee’s natural tendencies to control and or motivate themselves. Result control is the control system which focus on result from an organization activities. The main point in result control is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected or the result is very important. The ways to the result are ignored. In the result control has a 5 step to planning a result control. First, determine the right dimension to estimate a performance the organization. Second, determine how to measure dimension of organization performance. Third, establish the target. Fourth, monitoring. And the last is give reward and or punishment.
The Company's marketing strategy is centered on the Converse All Star brand, which is positioned as the American performance brand with authentic sports heritage. The company believes that there are significant opportunities to build the brand, which commands high consumer awareness generated by reason of its 91-year history. The company's consumer research has become an integral part of its product development, advertising campaigns and in-store point of purchase materials.
1908: The company is founded as Converse Rubber Co.
1917: Converse introduces the All Star, one of the world's first basketball shoes.
1929: Converse Rubber Co. falls into bankruptcy.
1972: Converse is purchased by the Eltra Corporation and acquires the footwear division of B.F. Goodrich Co.
1979: Allied Corporation purchases Converse.
1982: Allied Corporation sells Converse to a group of its senior managers.
1983: Converse stock becomes available on the NASDAQ national market.
1984: The company signs agreements with Moon-Star Chemical Corp., Mizuno Corp., and Zett Corp. to handle the manufacture, distribution, and sale of Converse footwear in Japan.
1985: The company is named the official shoe of the National Basketball Association.
1986: Converse is acquired by Interco Incorporated.
1994: Converse is spun off from Interco in November.
1999: Converse introduces the He:01 shoe.
NIM : C1L007010
Converse Inc. is the largest manufacturer of athletic footwear in the United States, producing approximately 8.4 million pairs of shoes domestically in 1998. It owns and operates a manufacturing facility in Lumberton, North Carolina, where it produces the majority of its athletic originals, and leases manufacturing plants in Mission, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico. The Converse All-Star basketball shoe was the first in the athletic footwear industry, and by the early 1990s, more than 500 million pairs, in more than 56 colors and styles, had been sold in more than 90 countries worldwide. In addition, the company has diversified into varied rubber products, sports apparel, and full lines of athletic shoes for tennis, cross-training, team sports, running, walking, and children's recreation.
Board of Directors
By Laws read "2-year" term
* = Appointed
President - Al Suarez
*Vice President - Billy Schindler
Executive Director – Sam Hughes
*Treasurer – Gerald Wilson
*Secretary – Adriana (Penny) Hieronymus
Looking to regain momentum in 1996, Converse hired Glenn N. Rupp, former head of Wilson Sporting Goods Co., to replace Gib Ford, who retired as chief executive in that year. Rupp believed Converse should play to its strength as one of the few shoe companies with sizable domestic production facilities. Exploiting the marketability of the 'Made in the U.S.A.' label, Rupp's goal was to decrease the time it took for an order to be filled from six to only a few weeks. Together with President Michael 'Mickey' Bell, who would resign abruptly in August 1996, Rupp undertook a restructuring of the nation's No. 5 athletic shoe company.
Fortunately, for Converse, 'retro' was in, and the company undertook its biggest campaign ever aimed at recapturing the glory of its past. Its All Star 2000, a leatherized update of its traditional basketball show, which featured an old-fashioned Chuck Taylor All Star patch, began selling at a rapid clip in 1997. In the wake of this success, Converse made plans to market the Dr. J 2000 basketball shoe and the All Star 91, or Dennis Rodman shoe, in spring 1997 in time for the NBA's 50th anniversary. The company entered into deals with Rodman, Latrell Sprewell, Larry Johnson, and ABL star Theresa Edwards (40 percent of Chuck Taylor high tops were purchased by women) to help market its updated old shoe designs. In addition, Converse initiated a licensing agreement with A4 of Los Angeles to produce its Star 91 line of apparel and footwear, as well as two other men's apparel lines. The idea was to leverage the company's history as a long-time staple among professional athletes and to play up the emotional ties people had to the Converse brand.
Unfortunately, by the end of 1997, people had shifted from wearing basketball sneakers and other athletic shoes to what the industry called 'brown shoes'--work boots, hiking shoes, and casual footwear in brown or black. Converse slipped to sixth place in its industry, posting a $5 million loss despite record sales of $450 million and an increase in revenues, while throughout the sector inventories bloated and sales showed signs of going flat. In early 1998, Converse cut more jobs and changed its marketing strategy, instituting its new 'Stay true' campaign, designed to appeal to 12- to 18-year-old athletes and featuring younger players at the start of their careers. The campaign was at least in part a
NIM : C1L007010
Once a popular basketball shoe maker, Converse was close to throwing in the towel, but eventually rebounded under NIKE. Converse has sold some 750 million pairs of its classic Chuck Taylor All Star canvas basketball shoes, appealing to everyone from school kids to clothing designers. It also licenses its name to sports apparel makers. In addition, it makes products under the names One Star and Jack Purcell that it sells through retailers and licensees in some 100 countries. A subsidiary of shoe giant NIKE, Converse operates as a separate unit from its parent company's competing sports brands, reining in the kitsch value of Converse's vintage Chuck Taylor brand.
Result controls influence actions because they cause employees to be concerned about the consequences of the actions they take. Action controls are the most direct from of management control because they involve taking steps to ensure that employees act in the organizations best interest by making their actions themselves the focus of control. Personnel controls build on employee’s natural tendencies to control and or motivate themselves. Result control is the control system which focus on result from an organization activities. The main point in result control is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected or the result is very important. The ways to the result are ignored. In the result control has a 5 step to planning a result control. First, determine the right dimension to estimate a performance the organization. Second, determine how to measure dimension of organization performance. Third, establish the target. Fourth, monitoring. And the last is give reward and or punishment.
The Company's marketing strategy is centered on the Converse All Star brand, which is positioned as the American performance brand with authentic sports heritage. The company believes that there are significant opportunities to build the brand, which commands high consumer awareness generated by reason of its 91-year history. The company's consumer research has become an integral part of its product development, advertising campaigns and in-store point of purchase materials.
1908: The company is founded as Converse Rubber Co.
1917: Converse introduces the All Star, one of the world's first basketball shoes.
1929: Converse Rubber Co. falls into bankruptcy.
1972: Converse is purchased by the Eltra Corporation and acquires the footwear division of B.F. Goodrich Co.
1979: Allied Corporation purchases Converse.
1982: Allied Corporation sells Converse to a group of its senior managers.
1983: Converse stock becomes available on the NASDAQ national market.
1984: The company signs agreements with Moon-Star Chemical Corp., Mizuno Corp., and Zett Corp. to handle the manufacture, distribution, and sale of Converse footwear in Japan.
1985: The company is named the official shoe of the National Basketball Association.
1986: Converse is acquired by Interco Incorporated.
1994: Converse is spun off from Interco in November.
1999: Converse introduces the He:01 shoe.
Converse Inc. is the largest manufacturer of athletic footwear in the United States, producing approximately 8.4 million pairs of shoes domestically in 1998. It owns and operates a manufacturing facility in Lumberton, North Carolina, where it produces the majority of its athletic originals, and leases manufacturing plants in Mission, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico. The Converse All-Star basketball shoe was the first in the athletic footwear industry, and by the early 1990s, more than 500 million pairs, in more than 56 colors and styles, had been sold in more than 90 countries worldwide. In addition, the company has diversified into varied rubber products, sports apparel, and full lines of athletic shoes for tennis, cross-training, team sports, running, walking, and children's recreation.
Board of Directors
By Laws read "2-year" term
* = Appointed
President - Al Suarez
*Vice President - Billy Schindler
Executive Director – Sam Hughes
*Treasurer – Gerald Wilson
*Secretary – Adriana (Penny) Hieronymus
Looking to regain momentum in 1996, Converse hired Glenn N. Rupp, former head of Wilson Sporting Goods Co., to replace Gib Ford, who retired as chief executive in that year. Rupp believed Converse should play to its strength as one of the few shoe companies with sizable domestic production facilities. Exploiting the marketability of the 'Made in the U.S.A.' label, Rupp's goal was to decrease the time it took for an order to be filled from six to only a few weeks. Together with President Michael 'Mickey' Bell, who would resign abruptly in August 1996, Rupp undertook a restructuring of the nation's No. 5 athletic shoe company.
Fortunately, for Converse, 'retro' was in, and the company undertook its biggest campaign ever aimed at recapturing the glory of its past. Its All Star 2000, a leatherized update of its traditional basketball show, which featured an old-fashioned Chuck Taylor All Star patch, began selling at a rapid clip in 1997. In the wake of this success, Converse made plans to market the Dr. J 2000 basketball shoe and the All Star 91, or Dennis Rodman shoe, in spring 1997 in time for the NBA's 50th anniversary. The company entered into deals with Rodman, Latrell Sprewell, Larry Johnson, and ABL star Theresa Edwards (40 percent of Chuck Taylor high tops were purchased by women) to help market its updated old shoe designs. In addition, Converse initiated a licensing agreement with A4 of Los Angeles to produce its Star 91 line of apparel and footwear, as well as two other men's apparel lines. The idea was to leverage the company's history as a long-time staple among professional athletes and to play up the emotional ties people had to the Converse brand.
Unfortunately, by the end of 1997, people had shifted from wearing basketball sneakers and other athletic shoes to what the industry called 'brown shoes'--work boots, hiking shoes, and casual footwear in brown or black. Converse slipped to sixth place in its industry, posting a $5 million loss despite record sales of $450 million and an increase in revenues, while throughout the sector inventories bloated and sales showed signs of going flat. In early 1998, Converse cut more jobs and changed its marketing strategy, instituting its new 'Stay true' campaign, designed to appeal to 12- to 18-year-old athletes and featuring younger players at the start of their careers. The campaign was at least in part a reaction to the embarrassment brought upon the company by Rodman and Sprewell, whose behavior on and off court was no longer something with which the company wanted to be associated. The company also continued to promote its athletic originals, its Chuck Taylor and Jack Purcell shoes.
Converse continued to struggle throughout 1998, at which point it moved to reduce its heavy reliance on its basketball category and to institute other footwear categories, such as men's and women's athletic
originals and action sports. Rupp's goals for the year included marketing the retro look, expanding the supply of children's lines, pursuing a larger share of women's and girl's athletic shoes, and garnering a significant portion of sales in its new action sports category--gear for boarding and eco-training. Still the company's market share slipped further, from 3.6 percent in 1997 to 2.3 percent in 1998, and revenues for the year dropped about 30 percent to $308 million despite an increase in action sports sales.
The company's strategy for 1999 was likewise broad. With sales outside of the United States now close to 50 percent of net revenues, Converse formed Converse Canada and assigned the new division exclusive distribution and license rights for footwear, apparel, hats, and bags in Canada. It also continued to promote its athletic originals in Japan, where they were a huge success, and its skate casual shoes in Europe. Back home, it instituted a new approach to its children's product market, focusing on colorful and imaginative footwear designed specifically for children and partnering with OddzOn, Inc., marketers of Koosh sports toys. It also introduced a women's line of athletic originals in the spring of 1999.
Drawing upon the fruits of the $6.5 million, $8.8 million, and $7.7 million it spent on research and development in 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively, Converse introduced a new shoe technology in 1999: He:01, a helium gas-cushioned shoe and the company's first technological innovation since the early 1990s. To better market its products, it partnered with pro basketball hopeful and recording artist, Master P, on a line of sneakers to complement its joint No Limit apparel, the All Star MP. It also signed a licensing agreement with Genender International design to manufacture and market a line of Converse clocks and watches. In this way, despite the ongoing layoffs and losses that continued to plague Converse into the first half 1999, the company aimed to position itself to take advantage of the anticipated improvement in industry conditions
In coorporation communication is very important to keep and develope for not happen miscommunication interdivision and keeping unity interdivision in order to objectives corporation can be reached. And placement official employeesmust be the right place and the right people in order to corporation can be quick develope. And in order to employee not bored, in corporation esthablish program sharing interdivision, gathering family and vacation together. the way employees can work with maximum esthablished training and seminar. And manager give bonus and punishment to employees. This can impact to employees more active work.
Converse corporation can be developed with well from year to year but management control system in thaht corporation must be increased because management control system is very important and also usefull, to reach objectives corporation and they should keep on hard work with it to increase the result.
Praptapa, Agung. 2009. The art of controlling people. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
Management Control System In Nokia
Management control systems is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies.
Management control system offering 3 strategy, so that the control system can be worked well, there are :
1.Result Control
2.Action Control
3.People Control
With using the strategy of management control system, the company/organization capable to reached the missions/purposes of the company/organization.
Result control is the control system which focus on result from an organization activities. Result Control related with rewards to someone can get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point in result control is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected or the result is very important. The ways to the result are ignored. In the result control has a 5 step to planning a result control :
1.determine the right dimension to estimate a performance the organization.
2.determine how to measure dimension of organization performance.
3.establish the target.
5.reward and punishment
Story of Nokia
Follow the story of Nokia - a century and a half of innovation, from a riverside paper mill in southwestern Finland to a global telecommunications leader.
Nokia First Century (1865 – 1967)
The first Nokia century began with Fredrik Idestam's paper mill on the banks of the Nokianvirta river. Between 1865 and 1967, the company would become a major industrial force; but it took a merger with a cable company and a rubber firm to set the new Nokia Corporation on the path to electronics...
The Movie To Mobile (1968 – 1991)
The newly formed Nokia Corporation was ideally positioned for a pioneering role in the early evolution of mobile communications. As European telecommunications markets were deregulated and mobile networks became global, Nokia led the way with some iconic products...
Mobile Revolution (1992 – 1999)
In 1992, Nokia decided to focus on its telecommunications business. This was probably the most important strategic decision in its history. As adoption of the GSM standard grew, new CEO Jorma Ollila put Nokia at the head of the mobile telephone industry’s global boom – and made it the world leader before the end of the decade...
Nokia Now (2000 – Today)
Nokia’s story continues with 3G, mobile multiplayer gaming, multimedia devices and a look to the future...
Vision & Strategy
Our promise is to help people feel close to what is important to them. Nokia is a consumer led company. There is a progressive and continuous increase in consumer involvement with technology and communications globally. People are broadening their modes of communication to include the web and, social networks are becoming central to how people communicate.
People want to be truly connected, independent of time and place, in a way that is very personal to them. And, Nokia’s promise is to connect people in new and better ways. Nokia’s strategy is to build trusted consumer relationships by offering compelling and valued consumer solutions that combine beautiful devices with context enriched services.
Our articles of association provide for a Group Executive Board, which is responsible for managing the operations of Nokia. The Chairman and the members of the Group Executive Board are appointed by the Board of Directors. Only the Chairman of the Group Executive Board can be a member of both the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board. The current members of our Group Executive Board are set forth below.
Group Executive Board
Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo
President and CEO of Nokia Corporation
Esko Aho
Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations and Responsibility
Timo Ihamuotila
Executive Vice President, Sales
Mary T. McDowell
Executive Vice President, Chief Development Officer
Hallstein Moerk
Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Tero Ojanperä
Executive Vice President, Services
Niklas Savander
Executive Vice President, Services
Richard A. Simonson
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Alberto Torres
Executive Vice President, Solutions
Anssi Vanjoki
Executive Vice President, Markets
Dr. Kai Öistämö
Executive Vice President, Devices
Board Of Direction
Nokia Board of Directors consists of the following eleven members: Georg Ehrnrooth, Lalita D. Gupte, Bengt Holmström, Henning Kagermann, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Per Karlsson, Isabel Marey-Semper, Jorma Ollila, Marjorie Scardino, Risto Siilasmaa and Keijo Suila.
Jorma Ollila
Vice Chairman
Dame Marjorie Scardino
• Georg Ehrnrooth
• Lalita D. Gupte
• Dr. Bengt Holmström
• Dr. Henning Kagermann
• Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo
• Per Karlsson
• Isabel Marey-Semper
• Risto Siilasmaa
• Keijo Suila
The operations of the company are managed under the direction of the Board of Directors, within the framework set by the Finnish Companies Act, Nokia’s Articles of Association as well as any complementary rules of procedure as defined by the Board, such as the Corporate Governance Guidelines and related Board Committee charters.
Our performance information is now located within the CR Summary 2008. This information has been created as part of the Form 20F process for 2008. We consistently strive to improve our performance year on year and set ourselves challenging targets to meet us with new innovations in order to enjoy the market.
Our brand responsibility means building positive value into every stage of the customer experience, developing more sustainable products and services, and effectively communicating such developments to our customers. Consumers increasingly demand 'higher order' image attributes from a brand and in doing so look towards a company’s CR track record. The public increasingly expects more transparency about the way a business operates within society, seeking a demonstration of its good corporate citizenship. Expectations go beyond simply meeting legal requirements, but to creating a more caring business order.
Our innovative use of technology, with a focus on improving people’s lives, raises the brand promise of "very human technology" to a new level. Our various community activities help people feel close to each other and to their communities.
Shaping corporate culture, minimizing risk, enhancing efficiency, and building reputation are all aspects of CR which give it a significant position when setting agendas to increase our business value. We have long understood that this added value is the result of taking responsible corporate actions. Our goal is to establish proactive, integrated programs within our core business which always keep sustainability in mind.
Consistent communication with respect to our CR efforts, both internally and externally, builds trust and helps to develop our reputation. We understand how important it is to communicate clearly and accurately to the outside world the ways in which our business affects society. There is an increasing demand from our stakeholders for this information which we accommodate through our reporting, corporate website, and other external information sources.
Driving internal efficiency
What works externally also has benefits within the company. While it is sometimes challenging to quantify cause and effect, we have seen that:
* waste management programs reduce manufacturing costs
* diversity training enhances project management
* eco-efficiency measures reduce costs
* volunteering increases employee satisfaction
Thinking ahead enables us to be less reactionary and more forward thinking.
Nokia has consistently improve performance from year to year and set challenging targets to meet with new innovations, this result shows the existence of control.
They are also responsible for building positive values in each stage of the customer experience, developing a more sustainable products and services, and effectively communicate these developments to customers. Nokia also
establish a corporate culture, minimize risk, improve efficiency, and build a reputation. Nokia also has long understood that the value added is the result of the company responsible for taking action. Nokia goal is to develop proactive programs that are integrated in our core business is always keeping sustainability in mind.
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Kartika Dimas S.
The Coca Cola Company
Management control (management control) is a management function to increase the probability of success of an organization. Management can use some combination of control mechanisms. The first is personnel controls, namely by employing people with certain qualities that are believed to bring a successful organization. Another alternative is through specific mechanisms so that employees do not do something that you do not want companies (action controls). The latter is the result control, ie management control over the award to the parties that gives the results expected according to the company.
a company has a different control strategy between one company with another company. This is very much influenced by the existing culture at the company. Company control strategy results generally include controls, control activities, control of the dam and it was interrelated with each other because each ditiap segment will need
The Coca-Cola Company is organized into five geographic operating segments—also called strategic business units (SBUs)—as well as a corporate segment.
Our corporate segment consists of nine functions: Corporate External Affairs; Customer Management; Finance; Human Resources; Innovation/Research and Development; Legal; Marketing; Quality; and Worldwide Public Affairs and Communications.
The Executive Committee of The Coca-Cola Company is responsible for setting policy and establishing strategic direction for the Company. The Executive Committee consists of 12 Company officers:
Chairman, Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer
President and Chief Operating Officer
Executive Vice President; President and Chief Operating Officer, Europe, Eurasia and Middle East
Executive Vice President; President and Chief Operating Officer, Africa
Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Executive Vice President; President and Chief Operating Officer, Asia
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Executive Vice President; President and Chief Operating Officer, Latin America
Senior Vice President and Chief Innovation/Research and Development Officer
3. Glance of cocacola company
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Public Affairs and Communications
The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage company. Along with Coca-Cola, the world’s best-known brand, The Coca-Cola Company markets four of the world’s top-five soft drink brands, including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Our beverage products encompass nearly 400 brands—including noncarbonated beverages such as waters, juices, sports drinks, teas and coffees.
Throughout the world, no other brand is as immediately recognizable as Coca-Cola. With operations in more than 200 countries, a diverse workforce comprised of more than 200 different nationalities, communicating in more than 100 different languages, The Coca-Cola Company is part of the fabric of life in each of the communities we serve throughout the world. It operates as a local business partner, providing quality in the marketplace, enhancing the workplace, preserving the environment and strengthening the community.
The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries employed some 49,000 individuals and generated approximately $21.0 billion in net operating revenues in 2003. The Company actively cultivates a diverse workplace and embraces different perspectives and ideas to continually innovate and benefit our business.
With its worldwide presence, The Coca-Cola Company and its local bottling partners have also become known as trusted and involved neighbors through their support of education, youth development, sports programs and other community initiatives.
In 1886, the year Coca-Cola was first sold in a neighborhood pharmacy in Atlanta, sales of Coca-Cola averaged nine drinks per day. Since then, Coca-Cola has grown to become the world’s most ubiquitous brand, holding the leadership position in many of the countries in which we do business. And yet, our Company is presented with tremendous opportunities for growth. Every day, approximately 50 billion beverage servings of all types are consumed around the world. Our beverages account for a fraction of those, approximately 1.3 billion—a figure that simultaneously indicates our considerable strength, as well as our endless growth opportunity.
The success of The Coca-Cola Company rests with its ability to connect with consumers by creating the brands they love and by finding new and appealing ways to deliver those brands to people everywhere
4. Result control in the coca cola company
The Coca-Cola Company today reported unit case volume growth of 4 percent in the fourth quarter and 5 percent for the full year, successfully cycling 5 percent and 6 percent growth in the prior year quarter and full year, respectively. Acquisitions contributed 1 point of unit case volume growth for the quarter and 2 points of growth for the full year. The Company achieved broad-based growth across the globe. In key emerging markets, China increased unit case volume 29 percent, India increased 28 percent and Eastern Europe increased double digits in the quarter. Latin America delivered solid, balanced growth in unit case volume led by Mexico increasing 6 percent and Brazil increasing 7 percent in the quarter. Europe achieved unit case volume growth of 2 percent in the quarter successfully cycling 3 percent growth in the prior year. In other key markets, North America unit case volume declined 3 percent in the quarter and unit case volume in Japan was even.
Sparkling beverages increased unit case volume 2 percent in both the quarter and full year. Trademarks Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite contributed to the results, increasing unit case volume 2 percent, 3 percent and 6 percent, respectively, for the year. International sparkling beverage unit case volume increased 4 percent for both the quarter and full year.Still beverage unit case volume increased 11 percent in the quarter and 13 percent for the full year, led by strong growth across the portfolio, including juice and juice drinks, teas, active lifestyle and water brands. International still beverage unit case volume increased 17 percent for both the quarter and full year.Globally, the Company continued to gain volume and value share in nonalcoholic ready-to-drink beverages as well as in core sparkling and still beverages for both the quarter and full year.
Financial Highlights
Cash flow from operations was $7.6 billion for the year, compared with $7.1 billion in the prior year, an increase of 6 percent. The Company reported fourth quarter earnings per share of $0.43. After considering items impacting comparability, earnings per share for the quarter were $0.64, an increase of 10 percent. Reported earnings per share for the quarter included a net charge of $0.21 per share primarily related to a non-cash impairment charge at Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., an equity investee ("CCE"), restructuring charges and asset write-downs. Reported earnings per share for the fourth quarter of 2007 were $0.52 and included a net charge of $0.06 primarily related to restructuring charges and asset write-downs.Earnings per share for the year were $2.49 on a reported basis. After considering items impacting comparability, earnings per share for the year were $3.15, an increase of 17 percent. Reported earnings per share for the year included a net charge of $0.66 per share primarily related to non-cash impairment charges at CCE, restructuring charges and asset write-downs. Full year 2007 reported earnings per share were $2.57 and included a net charge of $0.13 per share primarily related to restructuring charges and asset write-downs.Operating income in the quarter increased 12 percent on a reported basis and increased 10 percent after considering items impacting comparability. Items impacting comparability reduced fourth quarter pre-tax operating income by $108 million in 2008 and by $126 million in 2007. Currency negatively impacted comparable operating income in the quarter by 9 percent. Full year operating income increased 16 percent on a reported basis and increased 17 percent after considering items impacting comparability. Currency benefited both full year reported and comparable operating income by 6 percent.The Company is currently on track to deliver $500 million in annualized savings from productivity initiatives by year-end 2011. The continued acceleration of these efforts will enable cash flows to be redeployed to drive investments for growth."Our performance in the fourth quarter was very solid," said Muhtar Kent, president and chief executive officer, The Coca-Cola Company. "Our fourth quarter and full year 2008 results reflect both the universal appeal of our global brands and the unrivalled reach of one of the world's leading consumer products distribution systems. We delivered consistent, quality results for the quarter and for the full year. For the year, we again exceeded our long-term growth targets despite a very challenging economic environment. And importantly, we gained volume and value share in most of our leading markets through solid execution of our strategies.""Our highly skilled management team is assertively addressing the challenges posed by the current global economic crisis. Working in close collaboration with our bottling partners, we successfully accelerated actions, refocused investments and intensified our disciplined execution to drive results. We also made significant gains in realigning our organizational structure to generate greater productivity and in rewiring our business for sustainable results. While certainly not crisis proof, as no company is, I do believe our global business model is relatively resilient, as we bring simple moments of pleasure to our consumers, nearly 1.6 billion times a day, for cents at a time. We recognize that 2009 will bring many unique challenges to us and our consumers, customers, and bottling partners. Yet, I believe that our solid brand and business fundamentals – together with a fundamentally sound balance sheet, robust cash generating model and strong global bottling system – provide a sound foundation for our management team to continue driving long-term sustainable growth."
5. Result control recommendation
The Coca-Cola Company places a high value on its Intellectual Property and the Intellectual Property rights of others. The "Artwork, Labeling and Intellectual Property" policy acknowledges and protects the rights of its suppliers in their IP, while also protecting The Coca-Cola Company's rights in its own IP. Additionally, the "Artwork Labeling and Intellectual Property" policy provides a vehicle (the Artwork Assignment Agreement) for assigning any IP that suppliers and/or their subcontractors develop for, or on behalf of, The Coca-Cola Company.
6. Summary
Environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility, alongside profitability, help to build sustainable communities and are essential for our continued success. Our future depends on healthy communities, access to clean water, fresh air and waste-free landscapes. Today's environmentally and socially conscious consumers and investors expect products to be good, good for you and good for the planet. They put their purchasing power behind the products and companies that meet their expectations. Caring for the planet is not just a nice thing to do; it is the smart thing to do.
7. References
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Merchant, Kenneth A and Wim A. Van Der Stede, 2003, Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement,,
A company has a shape to achieve their objectives to be achieved. Form has a unity that the existence of any complementary elements in it. As we all know that an organization or that here we are regrouped into a company has a goal different, with companies both large and medium companies to small companies.
With the goal in each company, we can see how the company is in the running process to achieve the goals they want to achieve. In other words we can find ways of controlling the company.
A control can not be separated from the parts contained therein, especially the structure contained therein, and part of that structure in carrying out its role.
Here is exemplified a small part of the role of a small trading company in control of the parts contained. Taking the example of a small company, so can easily dimahami content contained therein.
Company Profile
Indrapura convection which was founded in the 1980s by H. Moh. Zainuddin. Indrapura convection has a building area of 40 tiles, which includes 20 tiles for offices, production of clothing, and 20 tiles lgi a workshop, where the silk-screening, printing banners and glass. Indrapura convection is located at Jalan Gunung Muria number 861, RT 1 RW 8, Grendeng Village, North Purwokerto.
Currently has 25 employees Indrapura headed leadership of 1 person named Tri Widiantoro, ST. Employees consist of the production staff, graphic design, and administration.
Production Process
First time standing effort includes only penyablonan. But this time, his business has developed into a business convection (t-shirt and jacket), making souvenirs (glasses), printing and banner making. Raw material for t-shirts and jackets that use a variety of types. Raw materials purchased from the Bandung area because it's much cheaper than in Purwokerto with the same quality of materials. For cloth banners and cups / mugs purchased from Purwokerto.
Indrapura produce goods to order. The first thing to do is process bookings made by customers. After the agreement on price between the buyer and the manufacturer (business partner) will be made
booking invoice containing the amount of goods to be made, unit price, total price and the design / pattern of samples desired by the customer (consumer). Then the material to make a shirt / jacket was taken from the warehouse which is located some distance from the place of production.
Material then cut according to the pattern desired by the customer / consumer. The cloth is then cut and pressed disablon to stick right sablonan results. The first thing done in the process of making design penyablonan was later filmed for the division of colors. Then the design is printed. Penyablonan process on t-shirts done in stages according to the color. After disablon, diobras fabric then stitched. Installation of buttons and other accessories do if the consumer wants a button / zipper / accessories.
Just as in the process penyablonan t-shirts, the first thing to do is design it. Design is then printed on special paper and can be done immediately penyablonan. Penyablonan for dark colors done by using rubber ink while for the lighter color is done using a transparent medium.
Penyablonan in the form of letters or numbers on the banners carried in penyablonan like mugs. But in the process of design penyablonan banners printed to paper chasing a particular medication. Tool used to menyablon also simpler.
Penyablonan in the form of images is more difficult than penyablonan in the form of letters or numbers. The difficulty in the process of filmmaking. Having filmed design printed on paper and then made penyablonan chasing.
Production Management
Indrapura convection convection is the SMEs that the amount of production capacity is relatively large, it can be seen from the number of incoming orders, received by the partner and the partner's ability to complete the order by employees who are paid with a contract system for a given volume quantities.
In terms of product quality, partners can produce products with good quality, because the power workers already skilled and accustomed to receiving orders in large numbers, besides the ink used by the partners have a good quality import level that are not owned by any other convection , though also not close the possibility of production errors, which may occur in
when cutting the pattern, and sablonnya. However, the percentage of errors was not significant.
Responsibility Center
For small companies, responsibility center was still there. However indirectly less effective. Because the organizational structure is based on a relatively small diperusahaan, the responsibility center can not maximize.
The parts which are responsibility as follows:
• Revenue Center = marketing (including owners)
• Cost Center = the personnel (including owners)
• Profit Center = owner of the company
• Investment Center = owner of the company
Indirectly, responsibility center Indrapura diperusahaan held over by the owner of the company. Because the owner to act directly as a manager. Can be concluded also that the responsibility of small firms are not effective in carrying out its functions, for example small firms are usually companies that are based on kinship systems, or can be called a family business.
Yulnaezar Pramudya
Management of a business involves regulating activities so as to achieve the objectives of the business which is to make money. The control process involves setting of targets which are to be attained. The performance of the business is then measured against these targets. Significant deviation could be due to overambitious plans or target, inadequate workforce or inadequate raw materials for the planned level of production.
Control systems help achieve a desired level of performance by checking the on-going activities within the organization. These controls help identify deviations and the reasons for the deviations thus correcting them whenever they occur. The feedback provided by the controls assist the management in making future decisions.
A good control system should suit the activities being carried out and be consistent with the objectives and operations of the business. It should therefore be based on the planned objectives of the business. It should also be able to detect deviations fast enough for corrective action to be taken. If it is too slow then it is useless as continuous deviation from the planned path is irreversible.
Goals that have been set as control systems must be easy to understand, simple to use and economical to operate. They should provide clear instructions on the corrective actions to be taken whenever there are divergences. When changes occur, the control measures should no doubt be flexible enough so that they can be adjusted easily, especially in this fast growing business world. Such changes could be technological, involving personnel or concerning the product being produced.
Yanuar Nugroho
I. Introduction
Management in all business and human organization activity is simply the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, facilitating and controlling or manipulating an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.
Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management.
Management operates through various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, leading/motivating, and controlling.
Control is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized and stated goals of the organization are achieved in desired manner. According to modern concepts, control is a foreseeing action whereas earlier concept of control was used only when errors were detected. Control in management means setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective action. Thus, control comprises these three main activities.
A management control systems (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole considering the organizational strategies. Finally, MCS influences the behavior of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies. MCS might be formal or informal. The term ‘management control’ was given of its current connotations by Robert N. Anthony (Otley, 1994). [1]
management control is concerned with coordination, resource allocation, motivation, and performance measurement. The practice of management control and the design of management control systems draws upon a number of academic disciplines. Management control involves extensive measurement and it is therefore related to and requires contributions from accounting especially management accounting. Second, it involves resource allocation decisions and is therefore related to and requires contribution from economics especially managerial economics. Third, it involves communication, and motivation which means it is related to and must draw contributions from social psychology especially organizational behavior
. Definition of action, result, and people control
Control the action (action control) is a control system that is more emphasis on the ways people and organizations in carrying out elements of work to do. Here occurred what is called the action accountability, the people (or parts of the organization) must account for what he did. The principle used is the "pay for good action" that we give incentives to people who do a good job and the right (good action) and provides penalties for those who do not do a good job and the right (poor action).
Result control is a control strategy that emphasizes the results of an activity. This is related to rewards (rewards) to the parties that get results as expected, and punishment (punishment) for those who fail to get results as expected. This result follows the concept of accountability, where employees (including managers) must account for the results obtained.
People control the control approach that emphasizes the type or characteristics of people who work are expected to be able to perform their tasks to achieve organizational goals.
Control performance is a control system with performance measures as indicators of success for achieving goals. Performance measurement system is a mechanism to link strategy and activities of the organization, so there is an assurance that the organization's goals can be achieved.
III. A glance of Bridgestone
At Bridgestone, our dream is to become a truly global enterprise and to establish the Bridgestone brand as the undisputed world No. 1 brand in both name and substance. Across the globe, our entire team is focused on achieving this goal.
The roots of our dream date back to the establishment of Bridgestone Tire Co., Ltd. in 1931. Anticipating the future potential of tires for passenger cars and the international development of the business, founder Shojiro Ishibashi used an English translation of his surname for the name of the company. Even then he may indeed have been dreaming of the future of the Bridgestone Group.
As Japan's automobile industry grew, The Bridgestone Group expanded its business to become Japan's largest tire manufacturer. The company also actively expanded overseas, particularly in Asia. In 1988, the company acquired The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, a well respected global corporation with a venerable history of its own. This transformed Bridgestone into one of the world's largest tire and rubber companies and created a global team dedicated to serving customers worldwide with the highest level of quality, service and technology.
We hope this introduction to our company will provide you with a deeper understanding of the Bridgestone Group's strengths, as well as our future direction.
Headquarter: 10-1 Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-8340, Japan
Established: March 1, 1931
Paid-In capital: JPY 126,354 million (As of December 31, 2008)
Employees (non-consolidated): 15,605 (As of December 31, 2008)
Employees (consolidated): 137,981 (As of December 31, 2008)
Structure organization
Chairman of the Board: Shoshi ARAKAWA
Member of the board: Osamu INOUE
Member of the board: Junya SATO
Member of the board: Kazuhisa NISHIGAI
Member of the board: Masaaki TSUYA
Member of the board: Mikio MASUNAGA
Member of the board: Kazuo KAKEHI
Member of the board: Mark A. Emkes
(Chairman, CEO and President of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.)
Member of the board: Toru TSUDA
V. Control in Bridgestone
“Trust. And Pride”
The trust that we earn from people in the community makes us proud of our companies. Our pride in our companies encourages us to do ever better in exceeding people's highest expectations. We earn people's trust by providing products and services that make life safer, more fun and fulfilling. That trust becomes visible to us through our interaction with customers and with all the members of the community. It makes us proud of our products, of our companies, of each other.
The crucial linkage between the trust and the pride is action. Only through concrete action can we earn the trust that becomes the basis for our pride in our companies and products. Only when that pride motivates us to become ever better, can we continue to earn and retain the trust of the community.
“Serving society with superior quality.”
We inherit the words and the spirit of our mission from our founder. His emphasis on superior quality means striving for excellence in technology, in products and services, and in all our activities.
The quest for excellence is a quest for every individual at every Bridgestone company. So we encourage each other in the spirit of mutual respect and help one another make the most of our potential. Our commitment to quality is a worldwide commitment. We share the values of the community, including the universal desire for a sound environment. And we work conscientiously to improve the quality of life for people everywhere.
Management Stance: Our seven core emphases
1. Focus continuously on the future and pursue continuing growth in corporate value.
2. Be fair, honest and open in our corporate management.
3. Understand and honor fully the ethical values, moral practices, and legal regulations of every nation and region where we operate.
4. View ourselves through the eyes of our customers and adapt our approach responsively to exceed their expectations.
5. Build positive momentum by nurturing capable, motivated employees who, in turn, will foster a stronger company.
6. Take our future into our own hands by leading our industry in introducing innovative new technologies.
7. Maximize our collective strength by sharing information freely and promoting cooperation among divisions and companies in the Bridgestone Group.
VI. Recommendation
Bridgestone company has sought to continually improve customer service functions. company should have a concrete and tangible way in creating a position for the 7 constructive management company Bridgestone.
VII. Summary
Bridgestone company has made various efforts to improve corporate performance by implementing 3 types of control functions such as result, action, and control people. This is reflected in the 7 management positions adopted by the company.
Bridgestone companies also continue to seek responsive increase by increasing the quality of public services to provide customer satisfaction.
VIII. Reference
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
HTC Corp.
HTC Corp, (TAIEX: 2498) produces powerful handsets that continually push the boundaries of innovation to provide true mobile freedom.
HTC is formerly High Tech Computer Corporation, is a Taiwan-based manufacturer of primarily Microsoft Windows Mobile-based portable devices as well as several Google Android-based devices.
It was founded on May 15, 1997 and initially was strictly an outsourcing company, an original design manufacturer (ODM). Today, HTC provides its own HTC self-branded products, as well as supporting its operator-branded products and its original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partners. HTC also owns Dopod as a subsidiary company.
HTC is also a member of the Open Handset Alliance, meaning that it will conform to standards that allow the open source Android operating system to run on its hardware; The HTC Dream, marketed by T-Mobile in many countries as the T-Mobile G1, is the first phone to the market that uses the Android mobile device platform. It was first released in the United States for pre-order through T-Mobile USA on September 23, 2008, and became available in U.S. T-Mobile stores on October 22, 2008.[1] The G1 was available in the UK several days after its USA launch, and has since been introduced in many European countries, plus Australia and Singapore. Android Dev Phone is also manufactured by HTC.
Result Control
Result control is a control system also focus on result from all of the organization activities. Result Control related with rewards to someone can get the expected result and punishment to someone not fulfill the target expected. The main point is how the manager can manage the company and can get the target which they expected.Is a result from any control system in all of corporations. It’s a tell how the company growth, company financial, worker, producing, selling and more. Or good result of the product from any corporation where the customer’s more sure to buy the product from their company.
Agencies of HTC
Type :Public
Established :1997
Location :Taoyuan, Taiwan
Key people :
- Cher Wang,Chairwoman
- Peter Chou, CEO
- Fred Liu, COO
Industry :Telecommunications
Employees :5,569 peoples
HTC founded in 1997 by Cher Wang, Chairwoman, HT Cho, Director of the Board & Chairman of HTC Foundation, and Peter Chou, President and CEO, HTC made its name as the company behind many of the most popular operator-branded devices on the market. It has established unique partnerships with key mobile brands, including the leading five operators in Europe, the top four in the US, and many fast-growing Asian operators. It has also brought products to market with industry leading OEM partners and, since June 2006, under its own HTC brand.
HTC is one of the fastest-growing companies in the mobile sector and has achieved remarkable recognition over the past couple of years. Business Week ranked HTC as the second best performing technology company in Asia in 2007 as well as giving the company the number 3 spot in its Global listing in 2006. Since launching its own brand 18 months ago the company has introduced dozens of HTC-branded products around the world.
In case, HTC's only create the telecommunication product in various type. It's different with other corporation that have create various product. The HTC's Must have an ability to create exceptional hardware lies in its thorough understanding of the intricate requests from its business customers. HTC makes great hardware even better by matching it with exceptionally designed software. The end result is products that deliver incredible long-term value to retail and business customers.
HTC product can make your communications live better with all of the specification of their products that always offer various hi-tech communication. And now the HTC corporation is famous in the world with technology innovation listening to the customer perfect match in device design & diversity. HTC provides all the crucial information and required for business and competitor intelligence needs.
3. Agung Praptapa, 2009, “The art of controlling people”, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Bayu nab'han rabbani
Management control systems affect human behavior in organizations. A good control system that will guide the organization adopted the people in them to behave in line with organizational objectives. This means that individual actions undertaken to achieve personal goals will also help to achieve organizational goals.
2. Understanding People Control
Browse Control (control of) a control approach that emphasizes the type or characteristics of people who work are expected to carry out their duties to achieve organizational goals. In people control, human resources are elected and qualified person to be in proper working position, and can apply self-control (personal control) and control of employees from each other (cultural control).
We are a global communications leader powered by a passion to invent and an unceasing commitment to advance the way the world connects. Our communication solutions allow people, businesses and governments to be more connected and more mobile.
Motorola, Inc.Has been at the forefront of communication inventions and innovations for nearly 80 years. We have achieved extraordinary accomplishments along the way — such as making the equipment that carried the first words from the moon and leading the cellular communication revolution with the development of the world’s first handheld portable cellular phone, the DynaTAC (DYNamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage). We were the first to bring Push-to-Talk over Cellular to market. More recently, Motorola delivered the first all-digital high-definition television (HDTV) technical standard and demonstrated the world’s first WiMAX 802.16e mobile handoff.
Today, Motorola develops a portfolio of technologies, solutions and services — including wireless handsets, wireless accessories, digital entertainment devices, wireless access systems, voice and data communications systems, and enterprise mobility solutions — that make mobile experiences possible. With the rapid convergence of fixed and mobile broadband Internet and the growing demand for next-generation mobile communication solutions, our mission is to lead the next wave of innovative products that meet the expanding needs of our customers around the world.
Resut control is operation strategy emphasizing at result from an activity,this matter go together to give reward of partys obtaining result such as those which be expected by and give penalization for partys which fail to get result of matching with expected
Galvin Manufacturing Corporation introduced its Motorola brand car radio, one of the first commercially successful car radios, in June 1930. The radio was intended for the general public, but soon police departments and city governments across the Chicago area and United States ordered radios for public safety use. This was the beginning of Motorola's expertise in mobile communications and long customer relationships.
Mobile entertainment When commercial radio broadcasting began in the early 20th century, music and entertainment delighted growing numbers of people. In the 1920s, hobbyists experimented with adapting home radio sets to cars. Taking a risk on a new technology, Galvin Manufacturing developed the Motorola car radio for the commercial market.
Early police communications Meanwhile, police departments struggled to get messages to officers on patrol. Public safety officers used telephone call boxes on the street to contact headquarters, which delayed emergency response time. In an experiment in the late 1920s, a few broadcast stations, including WGN in Chicago, interrupted radio entertainment to broadcast messages from headquarters to patrol cars with car radios. However, the added step of phoning messages from a police station to a broadcaster delayed communications and publicly announced to anyone listening where problems were. Clearly, public safety departments needed a better way to communicate.
A few police departments began to install mobile radio receivers tuned to higher frequencies than the commercial broadcast band. This special use of the airwaves allowed communications that the general public could not hear. Although police departments needed their own transmitters to broadcast, the U.S. Federal Radio Commission considered this radio use experimental and issued licenses conditionally.
Motorola car radio for police In 1930, shortly after Galvin Manufacturing introduced the Motorola car radio for consumer use, the company began receiving orders from police departments. Company founder Paul V. Galvin, envisioning the potential for this new market, remarked, "There was a need, and I could see it was a market that nobody owned."
Galvin Manufacturing built its first mobile police radio receivers by adapting its Motorola consumer car radios. A police department specified what frequency its radios should receive. Galvin Manufacturing's line workers then modified tuning coils and locked condensers by hand. They put police radio chassis into the same housing as consumer Motorola car radios.
Motorola's first police radio customers
According to Galvin Manufacturing records, sales of Motorola police radios began in November 1930. Among the first customers (all in the U.S. state of Illinois) were the Village of River Forest; Village of Bellwood Police Department; City of Evanston Police; Illinois State Highway Police; and Cook County Police in the Chicago area.
As more police departments used radios, challenges emerged. Rough roads, engine noises, interference, high power consumption, and frequency instability led Paul Galvin to recognize that police departments needed a radio specifically engineered for patrol cars.
Motorola Police Cruiser radio Galvin engineers designed a new mobile radio in the frequency band of 1550-2800 KHz called the Motorola Police Cruiser radio. Introduced in 1936, this AM radio receiver featured a heavy-duty metal case for protection against rough roads and difficult conditions, an improved speaker and circuitry, a stabilized crystal control (instead of coils) for better tuning, and lower power consumption from the engine. Galvin Manufacturing's small specialty police radio department built the radios on weekends in order to not interrupt the busy commercial car radio production lines.
Broadcasting from a police station to a car was the first step in mobile communications for police departments. But how would dispatchers know if officers received their broadcasts or needed assistance? Police departments and radio manufacturers began building mobile transmitters so officers in patrol cars could communicate with headquarters.
Mobile two-way communications Paul Galvin assigned his chief engineer, Don Mitchell, to develop a radio transmitter for the car. In August 1939, Galvin Manufacturing introduced the Motorola model T6920 AM mobile transmitter, which broadcast in the 30-40 MHz range. A model P6912 VHF receiver and base station equipment soon followed.
This complete Motorola two-way radio system was priced about one-fourth as much as the competition's, and the transmitters could be installed in cars that already had receivers in the same frequency band. In 1940 the Police Department in Bowling Green, Kentucky, became the first customer for a complete Motorola AM two-way radio system. The radios were so well-designed that Galvin Manufacturing produced the same models for several years, until FM technology replaced them in the 1940s.
We are a global communications leader powered by a passion to invent and an unceasing commitment to advancing the way the world connects. Our communication solutions allow people, businesses and governments to be more connected and more mobile.
Motorola has been at the forefront of communication inventions and innovations for more than 80 years. We have achieved extraordinary accomplishments along the way — such as making the equipment that carried the first words from the moon and leading the cellular communication revolution with the development of the world's first handheld cellular phone, the DynaTAC 8000x. More recently, Motorola has staked out a position at the forefront of 4G telecommunications. We hold a market-leading position in WiMAX deployments around the world. In 2008, we demonstrated the world's first WiMAX 802.16e mobile handoff and the industry's first over-the-air data sessions in the 700 MHz spectrum using the Long Term Evolution standard, the next evolution of mobile broadband.
With the rapid convergence of fixed and mobile broadband Internet and the growing demand for next-generation mobile communication solutions, our mission is to lead the next wave of innovative products that meet the expanding needs of our customers around the world. The trends toward media mobility, ubiquitous connectivity and wireless flexibility, coupled with mobile lifestyles and business, continue to expand. Today, Motorola's portfolio of technologies, solutions and services includes wireless handsets, wireless accessories, digital entertainment devices, wireless access systems, voice and data communications systems, and enterprise mobility products. We operate in numerous countries around the globe, tapping the creativity of diverse cultures and individuals. And we demonstrate each day, at every site and in all that we do, that doing business and acting responsibly are not mutually exclusive endeavors.
Our history is rich. Our future is dynamic. We are Motorola and the spirit of invention is what drives us.
Greg Brown Co-CEO, Motorola, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer, Broadband Mobility Solutions
Dr. Sanjay K. Jha
Co-CEO, Motorola, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer, Mobile Devices
Daniel M. Moloney
President, Home & Networks Mobility business, Motorola, Inc. Gene Delaney
President, Enterprise Mobility Solutions business, Motorola, Inc.
Edward J. Fitzpatrick
Acting Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Controller
Senior Vice President,
Motorola, Inc.
Michele A. Carlin
Corporate Vice President,
Human Resources
Motorola, Inc.
A. Peter Lawson
Executive Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary
Motorola, Inc Karen P. Tandy
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs and Communications
Motorola, Inc.
Leslie Jones
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer
Motorola, Inc. Michael Annes
Corporate Vice-President Corporate Development and Ventures
Motorola, Inc.
Our businesses
Enterprise Mobility Solutions Governments, public safety first responders and commercial and industrial enterprises alike all demand access to real-time information everywhere. The Enterprise Mobility Solutions business designs, manufactures, sells, installs and services analog and digital two-way radios, voice and data communication products and systems for private networks, wireless broadband systems and end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions to a wide range of enterprise markets, including government and public safety agencies, as well as retail, energy and utilities, transportation, manufacturing and other commercial customers.
Home & Networks Mobility Consumers demand rich mobile communication and in-home entertainment capabilities, and system operators meet those needs by delivering new services, increasing network throughput and system integrity. The Home & Networks Mobility business designs, manufactures, sells, installs,and services digital and Internet Protocol (IP) video and broadcast network interactive set-tops, end-to-end video delivery systems, broadband access infrastructure platforms, and associated data and voice customer premise equipment to cable television and telecom service providers, and wireless access systems,including cellular infrastructure and wireless broadband systems, to wireless service providers.
Mobile Devices The mobile device is the hub of people's lives, keeping them connected to the Internet, people, digital images, entertainment and content. The Mobile Devices business designs, manufactures, sells and services wireless handsets with integrated software and accessory products, and licenses intellectual property.
Corporate Responsibility
We harness the power of our global business to benefit society. Through our products, services and operations, we work to create economic opportunities and growth in regions where we do business. We know there is only one earth, so we foster sustainable use of the earth's resources in our products and operations, and we strive to design environmentally conscious products. We also know there are many compelling needs in the world. Through charitable giving and by expanding access to technology and the accompanying socio-economic benefits of our products, we invest in the many communities where we operate. Our commitment to do the right thing extends to our global supply chain through a program of auditing and training. We set expectations for our suppliers and work with them to conduct their operations in compliance with applicable laws and accepted standards of fairness and human decency.
Businesses connect people and data inside and outside their four walls. Seamless connectivity and access to real-time information creates the ability to take action in the moment. Meanwhile, governments and public safety first responders live the “mission-critical” concept daily. Whether the goal is better-informed workers or public service, each of these organizations constitutes an enterprise geared toward a specific mission.
Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility Solutions business serves both commercial enterprises and government and public safety customers around the world. The two customer sets are distinct, yet they have common needs that span a variety of conditions: real-time information, seamless connectivity and power in the hands of mobile workers. Dedicated Motorola teams bring a history of invention to trusted partnerships with all customers in their unique environments. The day-to-day success of these enterprises – whether corporate or governmental in nature – depends on innovative technology tailored to human needs.
The life of the first responder can shift from relative boredom to life-threatening chaos without warning. First responders must operate in extreme conditions, carrying heavy equipment on their bodies and often manipulating radios and other devices while wearing large protective gloves. In the aftermath of major disasters, government agencies now coordinate activities as never before, raising the bar on seamless connectivity and real-time information across agencies and jurisdictions. Technology also offers many possibilities for data and voice communications from the command and control center to the first responder. What mix of communications is the right one in a burning building or during a bank robbery? What is the best way to deliver data to the relief worker in a hurricane? These issues and many more are common around the world. In a crisis, technology must be so easy to use that it is “second nature” to the first responders and those who support them.
Motorola’s Government and Public Safety organization designs purpose-built devices as well as infrastructure for these high-pressure environments, from the radios that fall ready-to-use into the gloved hand to the networks that provide seamless connectivity and real-time information in virtually any situation. Motorola’s design philosophy -- dubbed “mission-critical design”-- has been instrumental in pioneering a relatively new aspect of cognitive research, High Velocity Human Factors investigation. Essentially, Motorola employs a variety of social scientists, who work with first responders in the field and in the lab to understand the ways first responders operate in crisis situations. That understanding then feeds into product design for equipment such as radios, networks and command and control centers. Motorola offerings also include services to support public safety and mission-critical systems. Beyond these life and death environments, the flexibility built into this product line makes it ideal for other governmental functions, from education and public health to administration. Motorola experts tailor solutions to every public segment around the globe.
Real-time information and seamless connectivity take on different charters in the corporate environment, and the solutions must be tailored to these enterprises as well. Connecting mobile workers to disparate systems and diverse applications inside and outside of the four walls is no small task. But it is necessary to ensure that they gain access to the right information, at the right time, to make the right business decisions at the point of business activity. Whether requiring voice, data, video, location or presence, the modern enterprise thrives through the ability to keep people, assets and information in motion. Productivity and competitive advantage are the goals, and these can be realized only with the deployment of a well integrated, managed and secured wireless infrastructure. The result is that corporate IT operations empower individuals and transform enterprises every day and demand a trusted partner to tailor technology to their needs.
The spirit of innovation drives Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility organization. The group fields a wide range of products and technologies, from wireless infrastructure to mobile computers, to advanced data capture and the collaborative applications and services that tie them all together. Motorola believes in best-in-class technologies whether they are internally developed or found in a broad ecosystem of supporting software and hardware partners. Paramount to helping our customers mobilize their enterprises is Motorola’s drive for continuous practical innovation. The result of all this innovation is a product line that is designed to capture information, seamlessly connect users to the enterprise and beyond and provide them with a secure and managed environment within which they can make better decisions, resulting in better business results.
Enterprise mobility is not about point products but about well-integrated solutions that will deliver a clear return-on-investment to enterprises through seamless connectivity and securely empowering individuals. Motorola’s extensive, industry-leading partner ecosystem ensures that our mobility solutions are designed to meet the needs of the verticals we serve: retail, manufacturing and field mobility, transportation and logistics, healthcare and others.
Technology amplifies what people can do. Motorola’s Enterprise Mobility Solutions business seeks to amplify the actions of entire organizations of people, whether their mission is shareholder value or citizen safe
An overview of our businesses
Government and public safety first responders and commercial and industrial enterprises alike all demand access to real-time information everywhere. The Enterprise Mobility Solutions business designs, manufactures, installs, and services analog and digital two-way radios, voice and data communication products and systems for private networks, Electronic Digital Assistants (EDAs), bar code scanners, RFID readers, wireless LAN infrastructure as well as end to end enterprise mobility solutions.
Consumers demand rich mobile communication and in-home entertainment capabilities and system operators meet the need by delivering new services, increasing network throughput and system integrity. The Home & Networks Mobility business designs, manufactures, installs, and services digital and Internet Protocol (IP) video and broadcast network interactive set-tops, end-to-end video delivery solutions, broadband access infrastructure systems, and associated data and voice customer premise equipment to cable television and telecom service providers, and wireless access systems, including cellular infrastructure and wireless broadband systems, to wireless service providers.
The mobile device is the hub of people’s lives, keeping them connected to the Internet, people, digital images, entertainment and content. The Mobile Devices business designs, manufactures, sells and services wireless handsets with integrated software and accessory products, and licenses intellectual property.
Corporate Responsibility
We harness the power of our global business to benefit society. Through our products, services and operations, we work to create economic opportunities and growth in regions where we do business. We know there is only one earth, so we foster sustainable use of the earth’s resources in our products and operations, and we strive to design environmentally conscious products. We also know there are many compelling needs in the world. Through charitable giving and by expanding access to technology and the accompanying socio-economic benefits of our products, we invest in the many communities where we operate. Our commitment to do the right thing extends to our global supply chain through a program of auditing and training. We set expectations for our suppliers and work with them to conduct their operations in compliance with applicable laws and accepted standards of fairness and human decency.
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Merchant, Kenneth A and Wim A. Van Der Stede, 2003, Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, Prentice Hall.
Every company need control system to achieve their goals. So, how to get the effective control system? Merchant have three strategies for the control system, there are:
1. Result Control
2. Action Control
3. People Control
Result Control is controlling strategy, that emphasize the result of the activity.
Five steps to arrange the result control:
1.Decide the appropriate dimension to evaluate performance an organization’s unit.
2.Decide how to measuring it’s performance dimension.
3.Decide the targets.
4.Monitoring the performance.
5.Give the reward and punishment.
Action control is a controlling strategy that emphasize to activity aspect (action), it means all of activity doing by employee to reach the determined purpose. Action control will be effective if the manager know what he should do.
Four forms of action control:
1.Behavioral constrains
2.Pre-action review
3.Action accountability
People control, is the controlling approach that focus in kind or characteristic of employees that be competent for doing their task to reach the firm’s purpose. People control is not only limited to how to choose the people with certain skill, but also how the people that we choose can control him/herself (personal control), and also can control with each employee (cultural control).
In this paper, we will discuss about People control in PZ Cussons.
A glance of PZ CUSSONS
PZ Cussons (LSE: PZC) is a major manufacturer of personal healthcare products, and consumer goods. It operates worldwide, especially in Africa and Commonwealth nations. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index.
PZ Cussons was founded in 1879 as a trading post in Sierra Leone by George Paterson and George Zochonis as Paterson Zochonis. The Company expanded its operations into nearby Nigeria before the end of the 19th century. PZ expanded considerably during the 20th century, acquiring factories and establishing offices in Ghana and Kenya. In 1975 the Company acquired Cussons Group (founded by Thomas Cussons). Later that century more offices and factories were acquired in Asia, with PZ's first factory built in Thailand in 1986, and operations expanded into Indonesia in 1988. In 1993 PZ bought the state-owned Pollena Wroclaw in Poland, followed in 1995 by Pollena Uroda and in 2002 Paterson Zochonis Plc was renamed PZ Cussons Plc.
In 2005 PZ Cussons closed their Nottingham factory (founded by Gerard Bros.), and relocated the operations to Thailand. In 2006 PZ Cussons announced a plan to move their remaining English factory from Kersal to Swinton, both in the City of Salford.
In 2008 PZ Cussons Plc acquired the Sanctuary Spa and Sanctuary products business
PZ Cussons Group has a presence in UK, Poland, Greece, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Dubai, Malaysia and India.
PZ Cussons has factories in a number of countries, which include Poland, Thailand and Indonesia. PZ Cussons formerly had two English factories, but now has only one in Salford.
Head Office :
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A, Jakarta 10110
Telp : (021) 3815111,3816111 (86 Saluran)
Fax : (021) 3633585,3843882
Telex: 44152, 44302, 46549, 46552, 46554
I. Introduction
PERTAMINA is a State Owned oil & gas company (National Oil Company),. In 1961 the company changed its name to PN PERMINA and after the merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968 it became PN PERTAMINA. With the enactment of Law 8 of 1971 the company became PERTAMINA. This name persisted until after PERTAMINA changed its legal status to PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) on October 9, 2003. PERTAMINA’s scope of business incorporates the upstream and downstream sectors. The upstream sector covers oil, gas and geothermal energy exploration and production both domestically and overseas.
The foregoing is pursued through own operations and through partnerships in the form of joint operations with JOBs (Joint Operating Bodies), TACs (Technical Assistance Contracts) and JOCs (Joint Operating Contracts), whereas the downstream sector includes processing, marketing, trading and shipping. Commodities produced range from Fuel (BBM) and Non Fuel (Non BBM), LPG, LNG, petrochemicals to Lube Base oil. With the enactment of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2001 on November 23, 2001 relating to Oil and Gas, Law No. 8 of 1971 relating to the State Oil and Gas Mining Company was declared void. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 22 of 2001, PERTAMINA was transformed into a Public Liability Company (Persero) designated PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) under Government Regulation No. 31 of 2003. All existing PERTAMINA provisions including its structural organization, employment guidelines and procedures as well as other matters associated with its duties and responsibilities, unless such matters are in contravention of the said Government Regulation, are declared to continue in force until the Company provides otherwise.
II. Definition of result control
Result controls are an indirect form of control because they do not focus explicitly on the employee’s actions. However, his indirectness provides some important advantages. Result controls can often be effective when it is not clear what behavior are most desirable.In addition, results control can yield good control while allowing the employees whose behaviors are being controlled high autonomy. Many people, particularly those higher up in the organizational hierarchy, value high autonomy and respond well to it. High autonomy often breeds innovation. Result control are not effective in every situation, however. Failure to satisfy all three effectiveness conditions, ability to affect desired results, and ability to measure controllable results effective will render the control impotent. Result control usually form the major elements in the mcs used in all but the smallest organizations. However result control are usually supplemented by action and personal/cultural controls.
III. A Glance of Pertamina
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) was established under Notarial Deed of Lanny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 of September 17, 2003, and ratified by the Minister for Law & Human Rights under Decision No. C-24026 HT.01.01 on October 9, 2003. The above proceeded in accordance with the provisions set forth in Law No. 1 of 1995 relating to Limited Liability Companies, Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998 relating to Public Companies (Persero), and Government Regulation No. 45 of 2001 relating to Amendment to Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998. Consistent with its deed of establishment, the objective of the PERSERO is to engage in oil and gas exploitation, domestically and overseas, as well as in other exploitation associated with or supporting oil and gas operations.
The objective of the Public Company is to:
1. Exploit profits based on the principle of effective and efficient PERSERO management.
2. Contribute toward improvement of economic conditions for the welfare and prosperity of the people.
In order to achieve the above aims and purposes, the Public Company engages in the following:
• Oil and gas exploitation and the processed products and derivatives thereof.
• Geothermal energy exploitation existing at the time the PERSERO was established, including Geothermal Power Plants (PLTP) in the final stages of negotiations and which the Perseroan has managed to gain possession of.
• Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exploitation and and other products generated by LNG refineries.
• Other exploitation associated with or in support of the undertakings referred to in points above.
To be a world class national oil company
To carry out integrated core business in oil, gas, and biofuel based on sound commercial principles.
IV. Organizational Structure in PERTAMINA
1. President and CEO : Karen Agustiawan
2. Deputy president director : Omar Sjawaldi Anwar
3. Corp.Sr.Vp Upstream : Karen Agustiawan
4. Corp.Sr.Vp Refining : Rukmi Hadihartini
5. Corp.Sr.Vp Marketing and Trading : Achmad Faisal
6. Corp.Sr.Vp Gen affairs and HR : Waluyo
7. Corp.Sr.Vp and CFO : Feredick ST Siahaan
V. Result Control in Pertamina
Pertamina has entered a new era. Changes in law and legislation have caused a new business pattern to surface with the consequential entrance of competitors into the domestic business sector. Stakeholder expectations are, as such becoming increasingly higher, and the Government expects the company to dish out larger dividends. In addition, as part of good governance, Pertamina is compelled to conduct its business transparently and cleanly. By the same token, the Government is bent on ensuring transparency and professionalism in the business sector. Responding to the above condition, Pertamina proclaimed a company program transformation on July 20, 2006 with two major themes, i.e. fundamental and business. This breakthrough project during the first 100 days managed to gain impetus and boost passion for achieving this transformation aimed at securing a place for this company on the world stage. We understand the steadfast desire of all stakeholders to maintain and at the same time develop Pertamina as an economic powerhouse, and do hope that the transformation towards a future Pertamina may progress unencumbered so that the company may manage to satisfy stakeholder expectations by becoming the national economy's driving force in the true sense of the word. After having laid the foundation for transformation, we have put together a roadmap for 15 years forward toward realizing our dream of becoming a world-class national oil company.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the company, we present this company profile. We thank all stakeholders, the government as shareholder, partners, customers, and all parties for any and all support given.
VI. Result control Recommendation
We analyze changes in remuneration program from survey conducted by reputable institutions in order to continuously make adjustment to our compensation program to be competitive within relevant industrial labor market and to reward individual dan teamwork performance.
We are committed to our people's welfare. Let us take care of you and your family so that you could give your best performance to run the business. We encourge our people to balance their professional lives with the needs and responsibilities associated with their family and social life. Our benefit programs include the following:
1. Medical (for you and your family):
o Medical check-up (annually for the employee, every three years for spouse)
o Outpatient, inpatient, birth-delivery, fertility
o Dental coverage
o Glasses
2. Retirement program :
o Saving Plan
o Pensiun
3. Insurance Program:
o Life insurance
o Accident insurance
4. Housing or housing allowance refer to company policy
5. Sport facilities and activities
6. Religious facilities and activities
7. Other benefits
VII. Summary
This Board Manual is one of the Good Corporate Governance soft structures specifying the Code of the Corporate Governance and refers to the Company's Article of Association.
The Board Manual which is a Statement of the Board of Directors' and the Board of Commissioners' Joint Agreement and is intended:
1. To be used as a reference / guideline relating to the main duty and function of each component;
2. To enhance the quality and effectivity of the inter components work relations;
3. To achieve transparency, accountability, responsibility, interdepency and fairness.It is expected that the implementation of this Board Manual the working relationship of the Company's components to achieve the determined Vision and Mission of the Company will go on harmoniously based on the principles of Good Corporate Governance.
VIII. ’ Reference
Agung Praptapa, 2009, The art of controlling people, Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka
Merchant, Kenneth A and Wim A. Van Der Stede, 2003, Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, Prentice Hall.
www.pertamina .com
Danone, a new leading player
The acquisition of Numico in 2007 positioned Danone as the European market leader for medical nutrition. The division generated sales of €0.9 billion in 2008. Medical nutrition products meet the needs of vulnerable people, often undergoing treatment or in convalescence, so they require very extensive research, continuous communication with healthcare and regulatory authorities and a special distribution system.
Long underdeveloped, the science of nutrition has now demonstrated that the sick and elderly have special nutritional needs that cannot be met by traditional adult diets. Medical nutrition has emerged as the most attractive segment in the food industry today. The division’s sales were up 12.8% in 2008, and its margin rose by 149 base points. All segments contributed to growth, with international brands Nutricia, Fortimel, Neocate and Nutrini leading the way. In 2008, the group expanded outside Europe, in Colombia and Mexico. These and other “new countries” (Brazil, China, Middle East) are among the main contributors to earnings.
Towards pharmaceutical industry standards
Quality standards are critically important in medical nutrition. Danone production sites have raised their standards and today apply the strictest rules, similar to those of the pharmaceutical industry. They were first tried out in 2005 at the Liverpool plant, which manufactures medical nutrition products intended primarily for the seriously ill, before being progressively rolled out in other production units. In 2007, €50 million was invested in bringing production facilities up to standard. Audits confirm that good practices of the pharmaceutical industry have been implemented across our industrial sites.
The medical nutrition sector is special in another way, too: products are not marketed through food industry’s traditional channels, but in hospitals and pharmacies, and are often prescribed by healthcare providers. Yet although most are reimbursed by health insurance and are therefore closely monitored, they are not pharmaceutical products. The nutrients in Danone’s medical nutrition range are natural, e.g. plants, fatty acids like omega 3, and oils.
Targeting research
Medical nutrition has no therapeutic properties per se. Nevertheless, it plays an increasingly important role in enhancing treatment efficacy. It can either provide nutritional solutions to illness-related problems: e.g. when patients are not allowed to eat specific nutrients, are advised to eat more of others, or when they can only take liquids. Medical nutrition products may also help to limit or prevent malnutrition and so strengthen patients.
The group’s lead in science and innovation was confirmed in 2008 through two major achievements. The first of these was the launch of compact formats for oral nutrition, a real scientific and technological breakthrough, and the second, the encouraging initial findings of a study of our formula designed for Alzheimer’s patients. Meanwhile, our clinical studies of a product for epileptic children were published in Lancet Neurology, showing recognition of our work by the scientific community.
Management Control System in PT SIDO MUNCUL INDONESIA
Basically a company has a goal and its own targets who want accomplish. Required to realize a control system for the purpose of the company could accomplish.In control system designed to suit the type and condition of a company's own
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