Saturday, November 10, 2018

Pendaftaran Group Case Presentation Akt A 2018

Silakan daftarkan group anda disini sebagai komen.

Tulis dg urutan sbb:

Judul Case:
Anggota Group:

Paling lambat Rabu, 14 Nov 2018



Thursday, September 27, 2018

Indonesian Case of Control System

Assignnent for International Accounting Class.

You are required to write a paper of an Indonesian Case, with the structure as follow:
1. The Case
2. Case Analysis
3. Conclussion

There is no limitation for the number of pages.

Since the case must be different for one student and other student, you need to write the title of your case here as comment, to make you are the owner of that case.

Due date: 19 October 2018.

Send your paper to: as attachment

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Case Presentation Accounting International 2018

Please write as comment the following:
1. Group Number
2. Member of the group
3. Case chosen

Group 1: Chapter 1
Group 2: Chapter 2
Group 3: Chapter 3
Group 4: Chapter 3
Group 5: Chapter 4
Group 6: Chapter 4
Group 7: Chapter 5
Group 8: Chapter 5
Group 9: Chapter 6
Group 10: Chapter 6